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Welcome to the post show of Survivor Series from Long Island, New York.
Randy Orton comes down to the ring for Episode 1070. He says that he is owed an apology from everyone that he couldn’t beat the Big Show. He welcomes to the “Authority” down to ringside. They say there can’t be anymore pleased about him retaining the WWE title. Triple H says that he knew what he could be and they needed him to finally reach his potential. Randy said he proved that he is the face of the WWE as Daniel Bryan chants start up. Triple H says the reason they came down to the ring is because it looked like he was going to lose. Randy says that he is the greatest star in the WWE ever and John Cena’s music plays. Cena says that he wants them to listen to this folks and the administration BS like Randy Orton about being confused little boys. He asks who is champion? He wants to cut through the BS and he says it’s time for there be one champion. He challenges right now to a unification match tonight. Stephanie they have been thinking about that possibility. Triple H makes an epic in his term, in three weeks at TLC PPV. They’re going to have a TLC match for both world titles. That’s historic.
-Commercial Break-
The Shield Vs. Rhode Brothers and Rey Mysterio
The Shield jumps all three men and single out Goldust. They put the boots to him in the corner. Quick tags from the shield until Goldust fights out, he sends Ambrose to the apron. He lands an uppercut but Rollins gets a tag but is sent out of the ring. Rollins hits a spring board move but taken out. Reigns is tagged in and clotheslines him for 2.
-Commercial Break-
The Shield is still in control but Goldust hits a DDT. Mysterio gets the hot tag and clears the house. A dive off the top rope. He sets up the 619 but Rollins move and they both go for a cross body. Cody and Ambrose get the tag. Cody with a missile drop kick then a roll up for 2. Cody with an uppercut and the Alabama slamma but broken up. Mysterio sends Reigns out of the ring and sets up Rollins for the 619 but Reigns spears Mysterio. He also hits the spear on Goldust. Cody hits the disaster kick on reigns. He goes for the cross Rhodes on Rollins but Ambrose breaks it up and hits his finisher for the win.
Winners: The Shield in 8:29
-Commercial Break-
Miz TV time with Michael Strahan, he brings him out but it’s Titus O’Neal with a gap in his teeth to mock Strahan. O’Neal pretends to be Strahan and kisses up to The Miz. Miz makes a joke about the Giants. The real Michael Strahan comes out to the ring. Michael Strahan makes a tag team match between Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio Vs. Big Show and John Cena. Miz challenges Michael Strahan to a hip toss challenge. Miz tries to do it but Strahan blocks. O’Neal tries and he can’t do it. Michael Strahan hip tosses Miz and O’Neal.
They show us how to download the WWE APP.
-Commercial Break-
Big E. Langston and Mark Henry Vs. Curtis Axel and Ryback
Langston and Axel start things off but a right hand then a spine buster by Ryback followed by two. A quick tag making Ryback the legal guy as the “Goldberg chants” start The two former “Heyman Guys” stay in control until Langston fights out with a belly to belly. Henry gets the hot tag and clears house. Axel is also legal; he hits clothesline then a big suplex. Langston takes out Ryback and Henry hits the WSS for the win.
Winners: Langston and Henry in 2:18
-Commercial Break-
Team Total Divas Defeat A.J. Lee, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae, Aksana, and Alicia Fox in an elimination match.
We get a recap video package from the “Raw Country” match from last week.
-Commercial Break-
Hampton Hardcore Match: Damien Sandow Vs. Dolp Ziggler
They start brawling, Ziggler tries to get a golf club but Sandow beats him down. Sandow rams Ziggler face into the ring post. Sandow gets thrown into the barricade then Ziggler clotheslines him over it. Sandow with a big right hand. Sandow with a clothesline off the barricade but Ziggler with a right hand and a puts a trash can over the head of Sandow. He drop kicks him into break.
-Commercial Break-
Sandow is still in control but Ziggler hits a neck breaker on trash. Ziggler grabs a canoe but Sandow suplex him. Sandow puts on the Jersey on Ziggler and hits the elbow. Ziggler sprays the fire estigusher. He hits a big splash in the corner followed by some punches in the corner. Ziggler with a neck breaker then has the canoe paddle used across the back. A fameaser for 2 by Ziggler. Sandow goes to the outside and hits him with the trash can. Sandow with several right hands then out of nowhere who hits a DDT on the steel chair for the near fall. Ziggler misses the splash in the corner followed by a choke slam on the trash can for the win. Wow
Winner: Sandow in 11:25
Michael Strahan and Santino Marrella talk backstage until Rowan from the Wyatt Family gives him a sheep mask.
-Commercial Break-
They do an in ring promo before the match, Punk asks a question as Bryan says YES. Punk says that sticking them in a handicap match doesn’t matter. He list all these tag teams and he says there going to burn them to the ground. Bryan says they will not let Bray get his way.
2-3 Handicap Match: Daniel Bryan and CM Punk Vs. The Wyatt Family
Rowan and Punk start things off, Punk with a kick then a forearm shot. Rowan with a big suplex but blocked and Punk kicks him down. Bryan is now in and more kicks in the corner. Bryan shoots off the ropes and eats an elbow. Quick tags from the Wyatt Family but Bryan hits an clothesline. Punk is now in but Harper blocks a snap nare and throws him in the corner. He eats a boot and Punk brings him back in the corner. An uppercut from Harper then tags in Bray. Mr. Wyatt with a head butt then Rowan is now in. The Wyatt Family stays in control until Punk gets the hot tag and hits the knee to send Rowan out of the ring. Punk hits a suicide dive to the outside. Punk brings him back in the ring and hits a neck breaker. Punk hits an elbow off the top for 2. Punk knocks off Harper and Rowan throws Punk out of the ring, Impressive.
-Commercial Break-
The Wyatt Family stays in control until, Bryan gets the hot tag. He clears house then hits a huge suicide dive to Bray on the outside. Bryan hits a missile drop kick off the top rope. Bryan with a series of kicks and a head take down. He locks in the Yes Lock but Rowan breaks it up. Bryan hits double drop kicks in the corner but Harper catches him and hits a suplex. Bray and Rowan beat down Punk. The referee rings the bell after things go out of control. They continue the beat down after the match. They take Daniel Bryan to the back with them. When Punk goes to chase after them Reigns spears the hell out of Punk. The rest of the shield put him back in the ring where they hit the triple powerbomb on him.
-Commercial Break-
The Miz Vs. Kofi Kingston
They feel each other out for the first part of the match then sends Miz out of the ring. Back in the ring where Kofi trips him and puts in a headlock. Miz with a kick to the midsection, Kofi hits his comeback but whne he goes for trouble in paradise its blocked and he hits abig suplex. Kofi with a kick then a spring board cross body for 2. Miz rolls him up out of nowhere for the win.
Winner: The Miz in 5:10.
Mick Foley did a WWE Shop ad as himself, Dude Love, Mankind.
-Commercial Break-
Xavier Woods Vs. Health Slater
Woods hits some flashy moves in the beginning then Slater gets a bit of offense. Woods makes his comeback, Woods hits his finisher for the win.
Winner: Woods
He celebrates with the fans after the match.
-Commercial Break-
John Cena & the Big Show Vs. Alberto Del Rio & Randy Orton
Big Show and Del Rio start things off, Show will a big slap but Del Rio fights back but shoulder tackled by Show. Orton gets tagged in and the big man takes it to the champion. Big Show with a big chop in the corner. Show man handles Orton then hits a suplex followed by an elbow for 2.
-Commercial Break-
Back from break with Del Rio beating down Cena. Del Rio puts Cena in the corner put miss the spear and eats an elbow into the post. Del Rio hits a enziguri in the corner and tags in Orton. They stay in control until Cena sends Del Rio to the outside. Big Show gets the hot tag, he brings Del Rio in the hard way. A series of clotheslines then a back body drop. Big Show misses a splash in the corner and Del Rio takes his knee’s from under him. A big super kick from Del Rio then tags in Orton. Randy with a series of kicks to the head of the Big Show. Del Rio tagged in and a big kick to the side of the head for 2. Del Rio continues the beat down and Big Show is played as the concussed victim. The annoucers build it up, the doctor comes in the ring to check Big Show. They say he is ok and Randy attacks but Big Show goes for the choke slam but Orton hits the DDT. Orton goes for the punt but Big Show spears him. Cena gets the hot tag and clears house. Cena with the 5 moves of doom, when he goes for the you can’t see me he is kicked in the head. Del Rio calls for the end; he goes for the arm bar and locks it in but Cena rolls through. Cena locks in the STF for the win. The doctors check on Big Show after the match.
Winners: John Cena & the Big Show in 15:30
After the match Del Rio attacks Cena but Cena hits the AA on Del Rio. When Cena turns around he is hit by Orton and the WWE Title. Orton grabs both belts and stands tall over him with them to end the show.
Randy Orton comes down to the ring for Episode 1070. He says that he is owed an apology from everyone that he couldn’t beat the Big Show. He welcomes to the “Authority” down to ringside. They say there can’t be anymore pleased about him retaining the WWE title. Triple H says that he knew what he could be and they needed him to finally reach his potential. Randy said he proved that he is the face of the WWE as Daniel Bryan chants start up. Triple H says the reason they came down to the ring is because it looked like he was going to lose. Randy says that he is the greatest star in the WWE ever and John Cena’s music plays. Cena says that he wants them to listen to this folks and the administration BS like Randy Orton about being confused little boys. He asks who is champion? He wants to cut through the BS and he says it’s time for there be one champion. He challenges right now to a unification match tonight. Stephanie they have been thinking about that possibility. Triple H makes an epic in his term, in three weeks at TLC PPV. They’re going to have a TLC match for both world titles. That’s historic.
-Commercial Break-
The Shield Vs. Rhode Brothers and Rey Mysterio
The Shield jumps all three men and single out Goldust. They put the boots to him in the corner. Quick tags from the shield until Goldust fights out, he sends Ambrose to the apron. He lands an uppercut but Rollins gets a tag but is sent out of the ring. Rollins hits a spring board move but taken out. Reigns is tagged in and clotheslines him for 2.
-Commercial Break-
The Shield is still in control but Goldust hits a DDT. Mysterio gets the hot tag and clears the house. A dive off the top rope. He sets up the 619 but Rollins move and they both go for a cross body. Cody and Ambrose get the tag. Cody with a missile drop kick then a roll up for 2. Cody with an uppercut and the Alabama slamma but broken up. Mysterio sends Reigns out of the ring and sets up Rollins for the 619 but Reigns spears Mysterio. He also hits the spear on Goldust. Cody hits the disaster kick on reigns. He goes for the cross Rhodes on Rollins but Ambrose breaks it up and hits his finisher for the win.
Winners: The Shield in 8:29
-Commercial Break-
Miz TV time with Michael Strahan, he brings him out but it’s Titus O’Neal with a gap in his teeth to mock Strahan. O’Neal pretends to be Strahan and kisses up to The Miz. Miz makes a joke about the Giants. The real Michael Strahan comes out to the ring. Michael Strahan makes a tag team match between Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio Vs. Big Show and John Cena. Miz challenges Michael Strahan to a hip toss challenge. Miz tries to do it but Strahan blocks. O’Neal tries and he can’t do it. Michael Strahan hip tosses Miz and O’Neal.
They show us how to download the WWE APP.
-Commercial Break-
Big E. Langston and Mark Henry Vs. Curtis Axel and Ryback
Langston and Axel start things off but a right hand then a spine buster by Ryback followed by two. A quick tag making Ryback the legal guy as the “Goldberg chants” start The two former “Heyman Guys” stay in control until Langston fights out with a belly to belly. Henry gets the hot tag and clears house. Axel is also legal; he hits clothesline then a big suplex. Langston takes out Ryback and Henry hits the WSS for the win.
Winners: Langston and Henry in 2:18
-Commercial Break-
Team Total Divas Defeat A.J. Lee, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae, Aksana, and Alicia Fox in an elimination match.
We get a recap video package from the “Raw Country” match from last week.
-Commercial Break-
Hampton Hardcore Match: Damien Sandow Vs. Dolp Ziggler
They start brawling, Ziggler tries to get a golf club but Sandow beats him down. Sandow rams Ziggler face into the ring post. Sandow gets thrown into the barricade then Ziggler clotheslines him over it. Sandow with a big right hand. Sandow with a clothesline off the barricade but Ziggler with a right hand and a puts a trash can over the head of Sandow. He drop kicks him into break.
-Commercial Break-
Sandow is still in control but Ziggler hits a neck breaker on trash. Ziggler grabs a canoe but Sandow suplex him. Sandow puts on the Jersey on Ziggler and hits the elbow. Ziggler sprays the fire estigusher. He hits a big splash in the corner followed by some punches in the corner. Ziggler with a neck breaker then has the canoe paddle used across the back. A fameaser for 2 by Ziggler. Sandow goes to the outside and hits him with the trash can. Sandow with several right hands then out of nowhere who hits a DDT on the steel chair for the near fall. Ziggler misses the splash in the corner followed by a choke slam on the trash can for the win. Wow
Winner: Sandow in 11:25
Michael Strahan and Santino Marrella talk backstage until Rowan from the Wyatt Family gives him a sheep mask.
-Commercial Break-
They do an in ring promo before the match, Punk asks a question as Bryan says YES. Punk says that sticking them in a handicap match doesn’t matter. He list all these tag teams and he says there going to burn them to the ground. Bryan says they will not let Bray get his way.
2-3 Handicap Match: Daniel Bryan and CM Punk Vs. The Wyatt Family
Rowan and Punk start things off, Punk with a kick then a forearm shot. Rowan with a big suplex but blocked and Punk kicks him down. Bryan is now in and more kicks in the corner. Bryan shoots off the ropes and eats an elbow. Quick tags from the Wyatt Family but Bryan hits an clothesline. Punk is now in but Harper blocks a snap nare and throws him in the corner. He eats a boot and Punk brings him back in the corner. An uppercut from Harper then tags in Bray. Mr. Wyatt with a head butt then Rowan is now in. The Wyatt Family stays in control until Punk gets the hot tag and hits the knee to send Rowan out of the ring. Punk hits a suicide dive to the outside. Punk brings him back in the ring and hits a neck breaker. Punk hits an elbow off the top for 2. Punk knocks off Harper and Rowan throws Punk out of the ring, Impressive.
-Commercial Break-
The Wyatt Family stays in control until, Bryan gets the hot tag. He clears house then hits a huge suicide dive to Bray on the outside. Bryan hits a missile drop kick off the top rope. Bryan with a series of kicks and a head take down. He locks in the Yes Lock but Rowan breaks it up. Bryan hits double drop kicks in the corner but Harper catches him and hits a suplex. Bray and Rowan beat down Punk. The referee rings the bell after things go out of control. They continue the beat down after the match. They take Daniel Bryan to the back with them. When Punk goes to chase after them Reigns spears the hell out of Punk. The rest of the shield put him back in the ring where they hit the triple powerbomb on him.
-Commercial Break-
The Miz Vs. Kofi Kingston
They feel each other out for the first part of the match then sends Miz out of the ring. Back in the ring where Kofi trips him and puts in a headlock. Miz with a kick to the midsection, Kofi hits his comeback but whne he goes for trouble in paradise its blocked and he hits abig suplex. Kofi with a kick then a spring board cross body for 2. Miz rolls him up out of nowhere for the win.
Winner: The Miz in 5:10.
Mick Foley did a WWE Shop ad as himself, Dude Love, Mankind.
-Commercial Break-
Xavier Woods Vs. Health Slater
Woods hits some flashy moves in the beginning then Slater gets a bit of offense. Woods makes his comeback, Woods hits his finisher for the win.
Winner: Woods
He celebrates with the fans after the match.
-Commercial Break-
John Cena & the Big Show Vs. Alberto Del Rio & Randy Orton
Big Show and Del Rio start things off, Show will a big slap but Del Rio fights back but shoulder tackled by Show. Orton gets tagged in and the big man takes it to the champion. Big Show with a big chop in the corner. Show man handles Orton then hits a suplex followed by an elbow for 2.
-Commercial Break-
Back from break with Del Rio beating down Cena. Del Rio puts Cena in the corner put miss the spear and eats an elbow into the post. Del Rio hits a enziguri in the corner and tags in Orton. They stay in control until Cena sends Del Rio to the outside. Big Show gets the hot tag, he brings Del Rio in the hard way. A series of clotheslines then a back body drop. Big Show misses a splash in the corner and Del Rio takes his knee’s from under him. A big super kick from Del Rio then tags in Orton. Randy with a series of kicks to the head of the Big Show. Del Rio tagged in and a big kick to the side of the head for 2. Del Rio continues the beat down and Big Show is played as the concussed victim. The annoucers build it up, the doctor comes in the ring to check Big Show. They say he is ok and Randy attacks but Big Show goes for the choke slam but Orton hits the DDT. Orton goes for the punt but Big Show spears him. Cena gets the hot tag and clears house. Cena with the 5 moves of doom, when he goes for the you can’t see me he is kicked in the head. Del Rio calls for the end; he goes for the arm bar and locks it in but Cena rolls through. Cena locks in the STF for the win. The doctors check on Big Show after the match.
Winners: John Cena & the Big Show in 15:30
After the match Del Rio attacks Cena but Cena hits the AA on Del Rio. When Cena turns around he is hit by Orton and the WWE Title. Orton grabs both belts and stands tall over him with them to end the show.