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We open Monday Night Raw with the best in the world CM Punk match.
CM Punk Vs. Luke Harper
We got a hot crowd, Punk with several right hands to start things off but Harper gets the better of him in the corner. A big right hand the grinds his forearm into the head of punk. CM fights out of the corner with kicks but eats an uppercut to cut him off. Harper with head butt then goesf or a clothesline but Punks sends him outside. Punk goes for a 2nd rope dive but eats an forearm for 2. Harper with a suplex, elbow drop then locks in a gator roll. Punk fights out of the odd move with elbows & right hands. Harper with a hard right hand then sends him into the corner but when he goes for a boot Punk moves & Harper goes to the floor. Punk now hits a sucides dive but Eric Rowan creeps to the corner of the ring to lead into commercial.
Back from break with Harper in control with an headlock but Punk fights out of it but just gets tackled. Harper stays in control of the match until Punk fights out of the gator roll with a big kick. Punk with an elbow then a DDT form the top rope. They exchange right hands until Punk gets the better of the two with a heel kick. Punk nails a neck breaker followed by a knee & clothesline. Punk goes to the top rope for the Elbow but Punk takes out Rowan with a high dive. Back in the ring Harper get kicked in the head, Punk with a spring board move but eats a big boot. Harper goes for a clothesline but Punk rolls him up for 2.
Winner: Punk
After the match Rowan attacks Punk from behind. The rest of the Wyatt Family joins in on the fun. Bray comes in the ring but Daniel Bryan comes to the ring for the save. Punk & Bryan takes control of the ring & the Family retreats.
Triple H interview with Michael Cole is shown from
Paul Heyman does an interview over the phone with Michael Cole. Paul says that he is in England to seek a cure for his injuries. He names several injuries that he has then says that he is a father.
Ryback Vs. Great Khali
They test strength & of course Khali wins. Right hands form Ryback but Khali wins the exchange. Khali with chop in the corner & around the ring. Ryback goes for a suplex but blocked. He nails a clothesline in the corner but runs into a boot. Khali with a clothesline. Khali misses the big chop & Ryback hits a spear for the win.
Winner: Ryback
After the match Ryback attacks hornswoggle & Santino Marella.
More Big Show videos was shown about why he is banned.
Alberto Del Rio Vs. Kofi Kingston
They start bawling but ADR gets the better with kicks. Kingston catches him with a elbow then sends him to the floor. Kingston with a dive over the top rope that totally misses ADR. Back in the ring for 2. Kingston is thrown into the corner & double stomped in the chest. Del Rio with right hands on the apron. Del Rio comes off the top rope with a double axe. Del Rio with right hands to the midsection then a big kick. Del Rio hits a enziguri for 2. ADR with a headlock but Kingston fights out of it with right hands. Kingston misses a right hand & Del Rio with a german suplex for 2. Del Rio mocks Kingston & nails him with a kick in the corner. Suplex by Rio for 2. ADR locks in a headlock but Kingston fights out & rolls him up for 2. He runs into a back breaker from ADR for 2. Del Rio with another headlock but Kingston with knee. Del Rio goes for the kick in the corner but misses. Kingston with a splash of the top for 2. Kingston is thrown itto the conrer but Del rio eats a kick. Kingston throws him in the corner then a spring board corss body from the corner for 2. Kingston gets an offensive rush but misses a wild move & Del Ri with a kick. Kingston rolls him uo for 2. Del Rio gets up super-fast & locks in the arm bar for the win.
Winner: Del Rio
Before the match Randy says do they really think they have power over him. Randy says the women in the arena would be fantasy waking up to him. The guys want to be like him, he looks around he sees jealous people. He asks who will be the viper’s next victim.
Randy Orton Vs. Big. Langston
A big shoulder block by the big man that makes Orton regroup. Back in the ring where Langston with a big take down for 2. Langston walks into a right hand. Orton with uppercuts but eats an elbow off the ropes for 2. Langston with right hands & once again Orton goes to the floor. Here we go for a third time where Orton hits a drop kick for 1. Orton sends him onto the arpon where he goes for the DDT but blocked. Orton was on the apron & Langston sends him into the barricade.
Back from break with Langston still in control & he lands a big clothesline. Orton retreats to the outside. Orton catches him with a kick then sends him head first into the apron of the ring. Orton on the apron, Langston goes for a spear but is sent flying shoulder first onto the floor. Randy with a clothesline then sends him back into the ring for 2. Randy picks apart the big man, Langston fights out an headlock then spears the champion In the corner. Langston with a big clothesline twice. Langston hits a big belly to belly followed by a splash for 2. Randy with a back breaker out of nowhere for 2. Orton sends him shoulder first into the ring post then onto the apron for the 2nd rope DDT. Orton goes for the RKO but blocked, Langston with a big tackle. Langston goes for the big ending but blocked & Orton hits RKO for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
Fandango & Summer Rae Vs. Tyson Kidd & Natalya
Kidd is all over the dancing man with drop kicks & more but Rae is tagged in. Rae with a slap & Natalya takes her down. Rae with a knocked down then a face plant for 2. Rae with a another face plant for 2. Rae locks in a body scissors but Natalya fights out with slaps but Rae rolls her up for 2. Rae with a clothesline & tags in Fandango. Kidd with a spring board move then a drop kick. He sends Fandango to the floor then a big kick. Kidd goes up to the top but Rae distracts him. Fandango pulls him down hard onto the apron. Back in the ring, Fandango on the top rope misses a leg drop & Kidd locks in the Sharpe shooter for the win.
Winners: The Married couple
Damien Sandow does a backstage interview about Sandow losing when he cashed in his MITB briefcase.
John Cena says that WWE will continue their support for breast cancer cure cause. Cena points out some family that had to fight that cancer.
6 Man Tag Match: John Cena & Rhode Brothers Vs. Damien Sandow & Real Americans
Cody & Cena beating down Sandow, Cody is thrown into the corner but rolls him up for 2. In the corner Swagger gets a tag but eats right hands from Cody. Goldust in off the tag with a drop kick for 2. . Goldust with a snap nare & an elbow drop. Doube team right hands from the bro’s with Cody hitting a kick for 2. Cesaro is now in but gets punched in the face. Cena in & squares of the AC. They test some strength but Cesaro with some uppercuts. Cesaro throws him into the corner but Cena hits a suplex for 2. Cena locks in a head lock then tags in Goldust where they hit a double suplex for 2. Cody now in with a front suplex for 2. Cody is dragged in the corner where Sandow is on the attack but back dropped. Cena with a right hand & goes for AA but Sandow ducks out to the floor.
Back from commercial with the real Americans in control until Cena hits a neck breaker but they cut him off. Cena hits a hurricanronna but Cesaro tags in Sandow & he jumps all over him. More domination & Cena continues to fight back but gets caught off. Cena gets a tag to Goldust who clears house. Goldust with some punches in the corner then an elbow. Goldust hits a cross body off the top. Things break down in the corner where Cody hits disaster kick & Cena hits AA on Swagger. Goldust & Cesaro are left, Cesaro does the giant swing but Goldust rolls out of the ring. Back in but Cena throws Cesaro into colter. Goldust hits a bull dog on Cesaro but Sandow breaks it up. Cody lays out Sandow with a moonsult. Cena with a cross body & Goldust finishes it off with the cross Rhodes for the win.
Winners: John Cena & Rhode Brothers
The Big Show is shown arriving in the back.
Triple H is shown angry the talks to Stephanie about Big Show being here. She says that she let him in but the Board doesn’t want a law suit. She says that HHH never had a problem taking McMahon family so don’t let it get personal.
Dolp Ziggler Vs. Curtis Axel
Axel takes control of the match then nails a drop kick for 2. Axel locks in a headlock but Ziggler fights out with right hands. Axel misses a spear & goes shoulder first into the ring post. Ziggler with a splash followed some right hands in the corner. Ziggler with a neck breaker for 2. Axel with a hard shot to the back of the head for 2. Axel goes for a powerbomb but Ziggler rolls him through & nails a fameaser for 2. Ziggler goes for Zig zag but blocked. Couple moves later then he nails it for the win.
Winner: Ziggler
Daniel Bryan does a backstage interview about getting pay back on the Wyatt Family.
The Uso’s Def. 3MB (Uso’s win with their finisher)
Bella Twins & Eva Marie Def. AJ Lee, Tamina & Aksanna (They win when Marie rolls Tamina up)
Triple H alongside Stephanie call out the big show to the ring. They ask the big man what he wants? He says he wants, them to fly back home. HHH points out that he is broke but big show says he wants to be the best & being back in the WWE. Big Show says he wants his job back. Triple H says he can shove it up… Stephanie calms him down. She says that he can have his job back then he starts doing the Yes chant. He adds one more little thing, he wants a bonus. He wants to be the face of the WWE & Stephanie gets all mad. Delta… The shield comes to the ring.
Back from a bad timing break, Big Show says that he deserve a WWE title match against Randy Orton. The game threatens him but Big Show says ok & walks away. He says he will be suing them have a good night. Triple H stops him, he says that he has his match at the PPV. He makes Triple H repeat that over & over. Big show wants to shake on it but Triple H wants him to compete against the shield & Randy Orton.
All four men attack Big Show & Reigns spears the big man. They go for the triple powerbomb but he fights out. Big Show & Orton standoff but here comes Kane in a suit. HAHA sorry I thought I would never see this day. Off the distract they lay Big Show out. Orton hits the RKO then all of them hit him with chairs.
Reigns hits him with steel steps then they triple powerbomb him through the announce table. All the men stand over Big Show to end the show.
– You can now follow me (Andy) on my Twitter account is at
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CM Punk Vs. Luke Harper
We got a hot crowd, Punk with several right hands to start things off but Harper gets the better of him in the corner. A big right hand the grinds his forearm into the head of punk. CM fights out of the corner with kicks but eats an uppercut to cut him off. Harper with head butt then goesf or a clothesline but Punks sends him outside. Punk goes for a 2nd rope dive but eats an forearm for 2. Harper with a suplex, elbow drop then locks in a gator roll. Punk fights out of the odd move with elbows & right hands. Harper with a hard right hand then sends him into the corner but when he goes for a boot Punk moves & Harper goes to the floor. Punk now hits a sucides dive but Eric Rowan creeps to the corner of the ring to lead into commercial.
Back from break with Harper in control with an headlock but Punk fights out of it but just gets tackled. Harper stays in control of the match until Punk fights out of the gator roll with a big kick. Punk with an elbow then a DDT form the top rope. They exchange right hands until Punk gets the better of the two with a heel kick. Punk nails a neck breaker followed by a knee & clothesline. Punk goes to the top rope for the Elbow but Punk takes out Rowan with a high dive. Back in the ring Harper get kicked in the head, Punk with a spring board move but eats a big boot. Harper goes for a clothesline but Punk rolls him up for 2.
Winner: Punk
After the match Rowan attacks Punk from behind. The rest of the Wyatt Family joins in on the fun. Bray comes in the ring but Daniel Bryan comes to the ring for the save. Punk & Bryan takes control of the ring & the Family retreats.
Triple H interview with Michael Cole is shown from
Paul Heyman does an interview over the phone with Michael Cole. Paul says that he is in England to seek a cure for his injuries. He names several injuries that he has then says that he is a father.
Ryback Vs. Great Khali
They test strength & of course Khali wins. Right hands form Ryback but Khali wins the exchange. Khali with chop in the corner & around the ring. Ryback goes for a suplex but blocked. He nails a clothesline in the corner but runs into a boot. Khali with a clothesline. Khali misses the big chop & Ryback hits a spear for the win.
Winner: Ryback
After the match Ryback attacks hornswoggle & Santino Marella.
More Big Show videos was shown about why he is banned.
Alberto Del Rio Vs. Kofi Kingston
They start bawling but ADR gets the better with kicks. Kingston catches him with a elbow then sends him to the floor. Kingston with a dive over the top rope that totally misses ADR. Back in the ring for 2. Kingston is thrown into the corner & double stomped in the chest. Del Rio with right hands on the apron. Del Rio comes off the top rope with a double axe. Del Rio with right hands to the midsection then a big kick. Del Rio hits a enziguri for 2. ADR with a headlock but Kingston fights out of it with right hands. Kingston misses a right hand & Del Rio with a german suplex for 2. Del Rio mocks Kingston & nails him with a kick in the corner. Suplex by Rio for 2. ADR locks in a headlock but Kingston fights out & rolls him up for 2. He runs into a back breaker from ADR for 2. Del Rio with another headlock but Kingston with knee. Del Rio goes for the kick in the corner but misses. Kingston with a splash of the top for 2. Kingston is thrown itto the conrer but Del rio eats a kick. Kingston throws him in the corner then a spring board corss body from the corner for 2. Kingston gets an offensive rush but misses a wild move & Del Ri with a kick. Kingston rolls him uo for 2. Del Rio gets up super-fast & locks in the arm bar for the win.
Winner: Del Rio
Before the match Randy says do they really think they have power over him. Randy says the women in the arena would be fantasy waking up to him. The guys want to be like him, he looks around he sees jealous people. He asks who will be the viper’s next victim.
Randy Orton Vs. Big. Langston
A big shoulder block by the big man that makes Orton regroup. Back in the ring where Langston with a big take down for 2. Langston walks into a right hand. Orton with uppercuts but eats an elbow off the ropes for 2. Langston with right hands & once again Orton goes to the floor. Here we go for a third time where Orton hits a drop kick for 1. Orton sends him onto the arpon where he goes for the DDT but blocked. Orton was on the apron & Langston sends him into the barricade.
Back from break with Langston still in control & he lands a big clothesline. Orton retreats to the outside. Orton catches him with a kick then sends him head first into the apron of the ring. Orton on the apron, Langston goes for a spear but is sent flying shoulder first onto the floor. Randy with a clothesline then sends him back into the ring for 2. Randy picks apart the big man, Langston fights out an headlock then spears the champion In the corner. Langston with a big clothesline twice. Langston hits a big belly to belly followed by a splash for 2. Randy with a back breaker out of nowhere for 2. Orton sends him shoulder first into the ring post then onto the apron for the 2nd rope DDT. Orton goes for the RKO but blocked, Langston with a big tackle. Langston goes for the big ending but blocked & Orton hits RKO for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
Fandango & Summer Rae Vs. Tyson Kidd & Natalya
Kidd is all over the dancing man with drop kicks & more but Rae is tagged in. Rae with a slap & Natalya takes her down. Rae with a knocked down then a face plant for 2. Rae with a another face plant for 2. Rae locks in a body scissors but Natalya fights out with slaps but Rae rolls her up for 2. Rae with a clothesline & tags in Fandango. Kidd with a spring board move then a drop kick. He sends Fandango to the floor then a big kick. Kidd goes up to the top but Rae distracts him. Fandango pulls him down hard onto the apron. Back in the ring, Fandango on the top rope misses a leg drop & Kidd locks in the Sharpe shooter for the win.
Winners: The Married couple
Damien Sandow does a backstage interview about Sandow losing when he cashed in his MITB briefcase.
John Cena says that WWE will continue their support for breast cancer cure cause. Cena points out some family that had to fight that cancer.
6 Man Tag Match: John Cena & Rhode Brothers Vs. Damien Sandow & Real Americans
Cody & Cena beating down Sandow, Cody is thrown into the corner but rolls him up for 2. In the corner Swagger gets a tag but eats right hands from Cody. Goldust in off the tag with a drop kick for 2. . Goldust with a snap nare & an elbow drop. Doube team right hands from the bro’s with Cody hitting a kick for 2. Cesaro is now in but gets punched in the face. Cena in & squares of the AC. They test some strength but Cesaro with some uppercuts. Cesaro throws him into the corner but Cena hits a suplex for 2. Cena locks in a head lock then tags in Goldust where they hit a double suplex for 2. Cody now in with a front suplex for 2. Cody is dragged in the corner where Sandow is on the attack but back dropped. Cena with a right hand & goes for AA but Sandow ducks out to the floor.
Back from commercial with the real Americans in control until Cena hits a neck breaker but they cut him off. Cena hits a hurricanronna but Cesaro tags in Sandow & he jumps all over him. More domination & Cena continues to fight back but gets caught off. Cena gets a tag to Goldust who clears house. Goldust with some punches in the corner then an elbow. Goldust hits a cross body off the top. Things break down in the corner where Cody hits disaster kick & Cena hits AA on Swagger. Goldust & Cesaro are left, Cesaro does the giant swing but Goldust rolls out of the ring. Back in but Cena throws Cesaro into colter. Goldust hits a bull dog on Cesaro but Sandow breaks it up. Cody lays out Sandow with a moonsult. Cena with a cross body & Goldust finishes it off with the cross Rhodes for the win.
Winners: John Cena & Rhode Brothers
The Big Show is shown arriving in the back.
Triple H is shown angry the talks to Stephanie about Big Show being here. She says that she let him in but the Board doesn’t want a law suit. She says that HHH never had a problem taking McMahon family so don’t let it get personal.
Dolp Ziggler Vs. Curtis Axel
Axel takes control of the match then nails a drop kick for 2. Axel locks in a headlock but Ziggler fights out with right hands. Axel misses a spear & goes shoulder first into the ring post. Ziggler with a splash followed some right hands in the corner. Ziggler with a neck breaker for 2. Axel with a hard shot to the back of the head for 2. Axel goes for a powerbomb but Ziggler rolls him through & nails a fameaser for 2. Ziggler goes for Zig zag but blocked. Couple moves later then he nails it for the win.
Winner: Ziggler
Daniel Bryan does a backstage interview about getting pay back on the Wyatt Family.
The Uso’s Def. 3MB (Uso’s win with their finisher)
Bella Twins & Eva Marie Def. AJ Lee, Tamina & Aksanna (They win when Marie rolls Tamina up)
Triple H alongside Stephanie call out the big show to the ring. They ask the big man what he wants? He says he wants, them to fly back home. HHH points out that he is broke but big show says he wants to be the best & being back in the WWE. Big Show says he wants his job back. Triple H says he can shove it up… Stephanie calms him down. She says that he can have his job back then he starts doing the Yes chant. He adds one more little thing, he wants a bonus. He wants to be the face of the WWE & Stephanie gets all mad. Delta… The shield comes to the ring.
Back from a bad timing break, Big Show says that he deserve a WWE title match against Randy Orton. The game threatens him but Big Show says ok & walks away. He says he will be suing them have a good night. Triple H stops him, he says that he has his match at the PPV. He makes Triple H repeat that over & over. Big show wants to shake on it but Triple H wants him to compete against the shield & Randy Orton.
All four men attack Big Show & Reigns spears the big man. They go for the triple powerbomb but he fights out. Big Show & Orton standoff but here comes Kane in a suit. HAHA sorry I thought I would never see this day. Off the distract they lay Big Show out. Orton hits the RKO then all of them hit him with chairs.
Reigns hits him with steel steps then they triple powerbomb him through the announce table. All the men stand over Big Show to end the show.
– You can now follow me (Andy) on my Twitter account is at
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