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- Randy Orton Def Damien Sandow
- R Truth DEF Fandango Via Count Out
- Alberto Del Rio DEF Dolp Ziggler Via DQ
- The Shield DEF Kofi Kingston & The Usos
- Antonio Cesaro DEF . Zack Ryder
- Kaitlyn, Cameron, & Naomi DEF AJ Lee and The Bella Twins
- Sheamus DEF Wade Barrett
- Ryback Def Kane
John Cena comes out & does some comedy stuff about Daniel Bryan, Betty White. He says he will be & stay WWE Champion. Also Defending it at Extreme Rules. Vickie Guerrero comes out & talks about The PPV. She brings out the Challenger Ryback, The stipulation of the match is brought up. Cena mocks ryback until he says he doesn't care. The option is up to Ryback & he chooses A Last Man Standing Match.
Randy Orton Vs. Damien Sandow
Orton on the attack first with right hands then into the apron for the DDT but Damien gets out, Randy catches him with a clothesline then a back drop on the barricade. Orton with right hands then into the barricade again. Orton goes for the DDT on the floor but blocked. Back in the ring with orton in control, he nails the ten right hands. Sandow spears orton then a knee to the ribs. Orton nails a suplex, couple stomps to the Body parts of Sandow in for a count of 2. Back from break with Sandow in control then Orton drops him coming down with a dropkick. He hits his hangman DDT and the RKO for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
R Truth Vs. Fandango
Fandango gets the quick advantage then a headlock but Truth fights back with a kick then a elbows. Truth hits a face first suplex followed by the Scissors kick but Fandango gets out of the ring. Truth Starts dancing as the Judges ( Tensi, Jericho & Brodus Clay) give him a ten. Fandango walks out for the count out.
Winner Via Count Out: R Truth
Daniel Bryan does an interview about the shield & Ryback but when he brings up fighting Ryback tonight then out of the Blue he comes up & Says no. Kane turns him around & the match is made. Ryback Vs. Kane for tonight.
Alberto Del Rio Vs. Dolp Ziggler
They lock up but ADR takes him down via headlock, ADR with a hip toss for one. ADR with kick to the back for 2. Ziggler out of nowhere drop kicks him then puts the boots to him. Ziggler with rights then a big splash in the corner for 1 count. ADR with a kick to the ribs then nails the kick to the shoulder for a count of 2. ADR with a suplex but blocked by Ziggler & nails one of his own for a count of 2. Ziggler with rights, irish whip in the corner but blocked & ADR with several kicks finally ends with a back breaker. Jack Swagger comes out to take a look then Swagger & Langston stare at each other. Back from break with ADR fighting out of a headlock then back & forth roll ups. Ziggler Misses then hits a drop kick for a count of 2. Ziggler with several elbows for a count of 2 then locks in a sleeper until ADR fights out of it. ADR Ziggler with a kick but ADR throws him up in the air. ADR misses the kick in the corner but lands on Ziggler accidentally. Quick count for 2 by ADR. hits the knee drop on the arm of Ziggler followed by going for ARM bar but blocked with a neck breaker for a count of 2. Ziggler goes to the top rope but ADR knocks him down then a face first suplex of f the top rope. They trade shots then Ziggler nails a neck breaker. Ziggler misses the splash in the corner allowing adr to come back, ADR nails the Super Kick for a count of 2. ADR motions for Arm bar & locks it in but AJ Lee distracts the Referee & Langston grabs ADR then throws him into Zeb Colter. Swagger knocks out ADR, Langston & grabs a ladder taking out the Champion ( Ziggler) then Del Rio.
Winner Via DQ: Del Rio
We get a Yahoo - WWE Partnership Video package.
Kaitlin , Funkadtails , Natalia does a backstage segment about her mystery man. The Great Khail is supposed to find out.
The Shield Vs. Kofi Kingston, The Usos
Ambrose is all over One of the Usos then Jay hits a suplex followed by a stomp. Jimmy is now in then punches Rollins off the tag. Jimmy with a forearm shot then Reigns is now in off the right hand. Reigns nails a big uppercut as he tags in Ambrose they hit there tag team moves with Rollins in & locks a headlock. More quick tags in & out until Kofi is tagged in & he cleans house. Kofi drop kicks reigns then lands the Boom Drop on Ambrose. He goes for the splash in the corner but kicks Amrbrose & Rollins. He lands a spring board Cross body for a count of 2. Kofi goes to the top rope & fights off Dean. Kofi gets pushed off by Rollins & Ambrose hits a Russian Face Drop for the win.
Winner: The Shield
Antonio Cesaro Vs. Zack Ryder
Cesaro gets in control with an uppercut then a suplex followed by a double stomp. Cesaro with a throwing slam, into the corner with lefts & rights. Cesaro with a suplex for a count of 2. The chants for lets go Ryder was during the match, Ryder hits a face buster then a drop kick off the top rope. Cesaro nails the mid air upper cut followed by the Neutralizer for the win.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro
After the match Cesaro does a promo & says nobody can touch him in WWE. (Which is a good point)
Paul Heyman Via Satellite of course & talks about How Brock Lesnar Invaded WWE head quarters. WE get a video of the actions of Lesnar. Lesnar destroyed the office of HHH. Heyman says Lesnar is going to take HHH to the edge. HHH comes out & says that he isn't hard to find then Lesnar should be a man & facing him in person. HHH says in his second office ( it fights back ).
Kaitlyn, Cameron, and Naomi defeated AJ Lee and The Bella Twins
Mark Henry comes out & challenges Sheamus at Extreme Rules PPV. He says people will remember this match for ever. Sheamus comes out to answer his challenge. Sheamus shows a Tug a war competition video package of him Probe Kicking Henry last week. They are about to fight then The Schedule Match apparently is gonna happen.
Sheamus Vs. Wade Barrett
It starts when we come back from break with Wade having Sheamus in a headlock but Sheamus gets out then does some clubbing shots to Wade on the apron. He fakes throwing Wade into Henry then lays out Henry with a probe kick. Back in the ring Sheamus goes to the top rope with shoulder block for a count of 2. Sheamus with a take down then goes for clover leaf Submission then a roll up. Sheamus walks into a side walk slam for a count of 2. Wade goes for wasteland but caught with Irish curse Back breaker. He misses probe kick which Wade kicks his arm, head for a count of 2. Wade goes for the big Elbow but misses & Sheamus nails Back drop. Sheamus hits the probe kick for the win.
Winner: Mark Henry
After the match Henry attacks Sheamus with a belt.
Ryback Vs. Kane
They tie up then some testing power but Kane turns it into a brawl, He hits a shoulder block then more brawling. Kane hits a scope slam for a count of 2. Ryback clotheslines Kane over the top rope but Kane fights back with a uppercut. Back from break with Ryback in control, He locks in a head lock but Kane fights out with an elbow but Ryback hits a thez press & some right hands. Kane knocks him down then a big uppercut followed by a big DDT for a count of 2. A couple of clotheslines by kane but Ryback hits a spine buster & calls for the end. Ryback goes for his finisher but Kane counters. Kane goes to the top rope but Ryback knocks him down. They fight until Ryback is thrown off but uses the ropes to set up Shell Shock for the win.
Winner: Ryback
After the match The Shield comes out & Daniel Bryan comes out to help out kane. Ryback leaves then John Cena as well. Ryback comes back with a steel chair to help but not for long as he attacks Cena with a chair then stands over him to end raw.
Thanks for watching along with me.
What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or you can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos
Randy Orton Vs. Damien Sandow
Orton on the attack first with right hands then into the apron for the DDT but Damien gets out, Randy catches him with a clothesline then a back drop on the barricade. Orton with right hands then into the barricade again. Orton goes for the DDT on the floor but blocked. Back in the ring with orton in control, he nails the ten right hands. Sandow spears orton then a knee to the ribs. Orton nails a suplex, couple stomps to the Body parts of Sandow in for a count of 2. Back from break with Sandow in control then Orton drops him coming down with a dropkick. He hits his hangman DDT and the RKO for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
R Truth Vs. Fandango
Fandango gets the quick advantage then a headlock but Truth fights back with a kick then a elbows. Truth hits a face first suplex followed by the Scissors kick but Fandango gets out of the ring. Truth Starts dancing as the Judges ( Tensi, Jericho & Brodus Clay) give him a ten. Fandango walks out for the count out.
Winner Via Count Out: R Truth
Daniel Bryan does an interview about the shield & Ryback but when he brings up fighting Ryback tonight then out of the Blue he comes up & Says no. Kane turns him around & the match is made. Ryback Vs. Kane for tonight.
Alberto Del Rio Vs. Dolp Ziggler
They lock up but ADR takes him down via headlock, ADR with a hip toss for one. ADR with kick to the back for 2. Ziggler out of nowhere drop kicks him then puts the boots to him. Ziggler with rights then a big splash in the corner for 1 count. ADR with a kick to the ribs then nails the kick to the shoulder for a count of 2. ADR with a suplex but blocked by Ziggler & nails one of his own for a count of 2. Ziggler with rights, irish whip in the corner but blocked & ADR with several kicks finally ends with a back breaker. Jack Swagger comes out to take a look then Swagger & Langston stare at each other. Back from break with ADR fighting out of a headlock then back & forth roll ups. Ziggler Misses then hits a drop kick for a count of 2. Ziggler with several elbows for a count of 2 then locks in a sleeper until ADR fights out of it. ADR Ziggler with a kick but ADR throws him up in the air. ADR misses the kick in the corner but lands on Ziggler accidentally. Quick count for 2 by ADR. hits the knee drop on the arm of Ziggler followed by going for ARM bar but blocked with a neck breaker for a count of 2. Ziggler goes to the top rope but ADR knocks him down then a face first suplex of f the top rope. They trade shots then Ziggler nails a neck breaker. Ziggler misses the splash in the corner allowing adr to come back, ADR nails the Super Kick for a count of 2. ADR motions for Arm bar & locks it in but AJ Lee distracts the Referee & Langston grabs ADR then throws him into Zeb Colter. Swagger knocks out ADR, Langston & grabs a ladder taking out the Champion ( Ziggler) then Del Rio.
Winner Via DQ: Del Rio
We get a Yahoo - WWE Partnership Video package.
Kaitlin , Funkadtails , Natalia does a backstage segment about her mystery man. The Great Khail is supposed to find out.
The Shield Vs. Kofi Kingston, The Usos
Ambrose is all over One of the Usos then Jay hits a suplex followed by a stomp. Jimmy is now in then punches Rollins off the tag. Jimmy with a forearm shot then Reigns is now in off the right hand. Reigns nails a big uppercut as he tags in Ambrose they hit there tag team moves with Rollins in & locks a headlock. More quick tags in & out until Kofi is tagged in & he cleans house. Kofi drop kicks reigns then lands the Boom Drop on Ambrose. He goes for the splash in the corner but kicks Amrbrose & Rollins. He lands a spring board Cross body for a count of 2. Kofi goes to the top rope & fights off Dean. Kofi gets pushed off by Rollins & Ambrose hits a Russian Face Drop for the win.
Winner: The Shield
Antonio Cesaro Vs. Zack Ryder
Cesaro gets in control with an uppercut then a suplex followed by a double stomp. Cesaro with a throwing slam, into the corner with lefts & rights. Cesaro with a suplex for a count of 2. The chants for lets go Ryder was during the match, Ryder hits a face buster then a drop kick off the top rope. Cesaro nails the mid air upper cut followed by the Neutralizer for the win.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro
After the match Cesaro does a promo & says nobody can touch him in WWE. (Which is a good point)
Paul Heyman Via Satellite of course & talks about How Brock Lesnar Invaded WWE head quarters. WE get a video of the actions of Lesnar. Lesnar destroyed the office of HHH. Heyman says Lesnar is going to take HHH to the edge. HHH comes out & says that he isn't hard to find then Lesnar should be a man & facing him in person. HHH says in his second office ( it fights back ).
Kaitlyn, Cameron, and Naomi defeated AJ Lee and The Bella Twins
Mark Henry comes out & challenges Sheamus at Extreme Rules PPV. He says people will remember this match for ever. Sheamus comes out to answer his challenge. Sheamus shows a Tug a war competition video package of him Probe Kicking Henry last week. They are about to fight then The Schedule Match apparently is gonna happen.
Sheamus Vs. Wade Barrett
It starts when we come back from break with Wade having Sheamus in a headlock but Sheamus gets out then does some clubbing shots to Wade on the apron. He fakes throwing Wade into Henry then lays out Henry with a probe kick. Back in the ring Sheamus goes to the top rope with shoulder block for a count of 2. Sheamus with a take down then goes for clover leaf Submission then a roll up. Sheamus walks into a side walk slam for a count of 2. Wade goes for wasteland but caught with Irish curse Back breaker. He misses probe kick which Wade kicks his arm, head for a count of 2. Wade goes for the big Elbow but misses & Sheamus nails Back drop. Sheamus hits the probe kick for the win.
Winner: Mark Henry
After the match Henry attacks Sheamus with a belt.
Ryback Vs. Kane
They tie up then some testing power but Kane turns it into a brawl, He hits a shoulder block then more brawling. Kane hits a scope slam for a count of 2. Ryback clotheslines Kane over the top rope but Kane fights back with a uppercut. Back from break with Ryback in control, He locks in a head lock but Kane fights out with an elbow but Ryback hits a thez press & some right hands. Kane knocks him down then a big uppercut followed by a big DDT for a count of 2. A couple of clotheslines by kane but Ryback hits a spine buster & calls for the end. Ryback goes for his finisher but Kane counters. Kane goes to the top rope but Ryback knocks him down. They fight until Ryback is thrown off but uses the ropes to set up Shell Shock for the win.
Winner: Ryback
After the match The Shield comes out & Daniel Bryan comes out to help out kane. Ryback leaves then John Cena as well. Ryback comes back with a steel chair to help but not for long as he attacks Cena with a chair then stands over him to end raw.
Thanks for watching along with me.
What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or you can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos