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We open the show with cutting the edge with Edge. He talks about being back & requested from HHH to come out tonight because its good for business. A reunion with Randy Orton. He says that Orton is HHH bitch for more than anything. He says he has different plan & he brings out Daniel Bryan. He says that The Shield & Orton have been hurting him but even though they been attacking him, he will still beat Orton to become new WWE Champion. Edge says he see apart of him in Bryan & says he should have a shot to see if he can beat him. Orton interrupts the Yes party & says what happend with Edge. Edge Fires back & makes fun of Orton & his family. Edge says Orton is HHH puppet but here comes HHH. Triple H says that Edge should say it to his face. Edge says HHH doesn't see talent then starts naming off people that HHH says could't make it (Jericho, Cena, Edge & More) HHH promotes Edge show but says himself is right most of the time then defends why he could't see talent with certain guys. He says he saw talent in Randy Orton. He says Edge character was a failed experiment & didn't drew a dime. He makes a match with Bryan Vs. Ambrose but also says Edge will be in Bryan's corner haha he was joking & put Big Show in his corner. Edge calls HHH a dick but HHH fires back & says its easy for Edge to say those things. HHH says he going to hurt the ones he loves & they bring Christian out beat all to hell by the shield.
Backstage segment with Edge & HHH where Triple H kicks him out of the building.
Curtis Axel Vs. Kofi Kingston
Axel with right hands to start the match then a standing drop kick for a count of 2. Axel runs into a elbow then Kofi with a some clothesline but misses a 3rd one. Axel throws him into the corner but runs into a elbow. Kofi hits SOS for a count of 2 when Axel grabs the ropes. Axel goes to the outside then they run around until they get in the ring where Kofi gets caught by a boot. Axel with knee's to Kofi in the corner for DQ. Heyman makes him stop. Kofi hits a spinning kick to make his mark known.
Winner Via DQ: Kofi
Big Show & Booker T does a backstage segment.
Bray Wyatt Vs. Dolp Ziggler
Bray is on the attack first & beating him down, also throwing him around like a doll. Bray walks into a drop kick. Out of nowhere Bray clotheslines him into commercial. Back from break with with Ziggler getting beat down but Bray misses in the corner & Ziggler with a splash followed by several right hands. Neck breaker followed by a elbow for a count of 2. Bray reverse then goes for a back suplex but Ziggler blocks & hits famaser for a count of 2. Ziggler Knocks off the Wyatt Family & Bray clotheslines him in the corner. Bray hits Sister Abigail for the win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
Paul Heyman, Curtis Axel his Doctor come out to the ring. Heyman says that he tore his MCL or ACL. Therefore he cannot compete at Night Of Champions this Sunday. Brad Maddox brings out WWE Doctor Sampson. Brad says the only way he can be official evaluated by Dr. Sampson. He sits in a chair & he checks him out with a this is Awkward chant. Doctor says a bunch of big words & says he is good to go. Cm Punk comes out with a kendo stick & lays out Axel & heyman's fake doctor.
Brie Bella, Naomi, and Natalya defeated Aksana, Layla, and Alicia Fox
Alberto Del Rio Vs. R Truth
Back & Forth until Truth starts up with right hands. Truth clotheslines him out of the ring then a dive to the outside but ADR moves then attacks him on the outside. Back in the ring takes control but Truth fights out of a headlock & here comes Truth with a brief bit of offense but misses with the scissors kick & ADR hits the Super kick followed by the Arm bar for the win.
Winner: Del Rio
Zeb Colter does a promo before the match & Santino Marrella returns
Santino Marella Vs. Antonio Cesaro
Cesaro with a big boot but not so fast here comes Marella with his silly comedy. Mid way through the match he is stopped where Cesaro puts in some submission moves. Marella fights back & goes for the cobra but is caught with a uppercut. Cesaro throws cobra out of the ring then hits a big suplex for a count of 2. Cesaro with a flying upper cut in the corner for a count of 2. Cesaro goes for a right hand but Marella rolls him up for the win.
Winner: marella
Damien Sandow Vs. The Miz
Sandow gets on the attack first but when he throws him in the corner he gets reversed & clotheslined. Miz comes off the top rope with a double axe for a count of 2. Miz misses with the kick & Sandow takes advantage with a knee to the back. Sandow keeps control until he arm drag him. A high knee then a boot for miz. He works the left leg but Fandango comes out dancing to distract the Miz allowing Sandow to roll up the Miz for the win.
Winner: Sandow
Goldust does a backstage interview about how he has screwed up with WWE but Cody made them proud. HHH shows up & talks about how much pressure Goldust has on him.
Goldust does a backstage interview about how he has screwed up with WWE but Cody made them proud. HHH shows up & talks about how much pressure Goldust has on him.
Randy Orton Vs. Goldust
Goldust fires on all cylinders to start the match off with right hands but a clothesline in the corner makes Orton go to the outside of the ring. They test strength but Orton with right hands but walks into a drop kick by Goldust. Chops in the corner by Goldie but a poke in the eyes allows Orton to put the punches to Goldie in the corner. Goldie with a quick roll up for a count of 2. Goldust sets him up for shattered dreams but Orton rolls out leading to commercial. Back from break with Goldust in control & sends him to the outside of the ring. Goldust bounces Ortons head off the steel steps but back in the ring Orton uses the ropes for help then sends him head first into the ring post. Orton gets him back in the ring where he continues the beat down until Goldust hits a bull dog out of nowhere. Goldust with a couple clotheslines then a uppercut. Goldust with ten punches in the corner & rolls him up for a close count of 2. Orton with a right hands then hits the DDT off the 2nd rope. Orton mocks Bryan then goes for the RKO but Goldust blocks it & hits Cross Rhodes for a count of 2. When Goldust is arguing with the Referee he gets rolled up for 2. Goldust misses with a clothesline & Orton hits RKO for the win.
Winner: Orton
After the match Orton says Goldust Dream to save Cody job was shattered just like he will do to Bryan's dreams at Night Of Champions.
Backstage segment with Stephanie McMahon & Goldust about being a failure.
Rob Van Damn Vs. Ryback
Before the match Del Rio does a promo about he will be chanting ADR when he beats RVD. Alright here we go with the Match where RVD is trying to get Ryback off his feet but when going for the monkey flip its blocked. Ryback stays in control with punches & powerful moves until RVD lands a spinning kick followed by rolling thunder for a count of 2. RVD with a front senton off the top rope for a count of 2. RVD with a side kick off the top rope. He goes up to the top rope for Frog Splash but Ryback rolls out of the ring & when RVD goes for the dive he eats Barricade. Ryback sends RVD nuts first into the ring post for the DQ. After the match Ryback lays him out with shell shock.
Winner: RVD Via DQ
Big Show is told he can't touch the Shield so he destroys a TV.
Backstage segment with Stephanie McMahon & Goldust about being a failure.
Rob Van Damn Vs. Ryback
Before the match Del Rio does a promo about he will be chanting ADR when he beats RVD. Alright here we go with the Match where RVD is trying to get Ryback off his feet but when going for the monkey flip its blocked. Ryback stays in control with punches & powerful moves until RVD lands a spinning kick followed by rolling thunder for a count of 2. RVD with a front senton off the top rope for a count of 2. RVD with a side kick off the top rope. He goes up to the top rope for Frog Splash but Ryback rolls out of the ring & when RVD goes for the dive he eats Barricade. Ryback sends RVD nuts first into the ring post for the DQ. After the match Ryback lays him out with shell shock.
Winner: RVD Via DQ
Big Show is told he can't touch the Shield so he destroys a TV.
Daniel Bryan Vs. Dean Ambrose
Bryan & Ambrose exchange right hands to start off the match. Back in the ring, Bryan with several kicks for a count of 2. Bryan trips him then with kicks to the left arm. Ambrose with a kick to the ribs but Bryan flips in the corner & clotheslines him. A snap suplex & he goes to the top rope but Rollins distracts him & Ambrose knocks him to the floor. Back from break with Bryan sending Ambrose into the Ring post then a drop kick in the corner twice. Bryan with several kicks to the chest of Ambrose then locks in the Yes lock but gets to the ropes. Bryan misses the drop kick in the corner & Ambrose gets the roll up for a count of 2. Back & forth with Bryan finally hitting a big suplex off the top rope. Bryan with more kicks but is sent to the outside. Rollins distracts the Referee & Reigns tries to hit the spear but eats the steps. Ambrose connects with a DDT on the floor. Back in the ring with Ambrose screaming at Bryan but out of nowhere Bryan rolls him up for the win.
Winner: Bryan
After the match Randy Orton runs to the ring but Bryan lands a suicide dive to the outside. The shield starts attacking Bryan but Big Show grabs a chair & acts like he will save Bryan but puts the chair down. They send him in the ring & Orton RKO him. HHH tells Big Show to go to the ring & Knock him out. Big Show Argues with Orton but when Orton turns around he catches a knee to the face & Bryan stands tall over Orton to end the show.
Thanks for watching along, What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos
Backstage segment with Edge & HHH where Triple H kicks him out of the building.
Curtis Axel Vs. Kofi Kingston
Axel with right hands to start the match then a standing drop kick for a count of 2. Axel runs into a elbow then Kofi with a some clothesline but misses a 3rd one. Axel throws him into the corner but runs into a elbow. Kofi hits SOS for a count of 2 when Axel grabs the ropes. Axel goes to the outside then they run around until they get in the ring where Kofi gets caught by a boot. Axel with knee's to Kofi in the corner for DQ. Heyman makes him stop. Kofi hits a spinning kick to make his mark known.
Winner Via DQ: Kofi
Big Show & Booker T does a backstage segment.
Bray Wyatt Vs. Dolp Ziggler
Bray is on the attack first & beating him down, also throwing him around like a doll. Bray walks into a drop kick. Out of nowhere Bray clotheslines him into commercial. Back from break with with Ziggler getting beat down but Bray misses in the corner & Ziggler with a splash followed by several right hands. Neck breaker followed by a elbow for a count of 2. Bray reverse then goes for a back suplex but Ziggler blocks & hits famaser for a count of 2. Ziggler Knocks off the Wyatt Family & Bray clotheslines him in the corner. Bray hits Sister Abigail for the win.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
Paul Heyman, Curtis Axel his Doctor come out to the ring. Heyman says that he tore his MCL or ACL. Therefore he cannot compete at Night Of Champions this Sunday. Brad Maddox brings out WWE Doctor Sampson. Brad says the only way he can be official evaluated by Dr. Sampson. He sits in a chair & he checks him out with a this is Awkward chant. Doctor says a bunch of big words & says he is good to go. Cm Punk comes out with a kendo stick & lays out Axel & heyman's fake doctor.
Brie Bella, Naomi, and Natalya defeated Aksana, Layla, and Alicia Fox
Alberto Del Rio Vs. R Truth
Back & Forth until Truth starts up with right hands. Truth clotheslines him out of the ring then a dive to the outside but ADR moves then attacks him on the outside. Back in the ring takes control but Truth fights out of a headlock & here comes Truth with a brief bit of offense but misses with the scissors kick & ADR hits the Super kick followed by the Arm bar for the win.
Winner: Del Rio
Zeb Colter does a promo before the match & Santino Marrella returns
Santino Marella Vs. Antonio Cesaro
Cesaro with a big boot but not so fast here comes Marella with his silly comedy. Mid way through the match he is stopped where Cesaro puts in some submission moves. Marella fights back & goes for the cobra but is caught with a uppercut. Cesaro throws cobra out of the ring then hits a big suplex for a count of 2. Cesaro with a flying upper cut in the corner for a count of 2. Cesaro goes for a right hand but Marella rolls him up for the win.
Winner: marella
Damien Sandow Vs. The Miz
Sandow gets on the attack first but when he throws him in the corner he gets reversed & clotheslined. Miz comes off the top rope with a double axe for a count of 2. Miz misses with the kick & Sandow takes advantage with a knee to the back. Sandow keeps control until he arm drag him. A high knee then a boot for miz. He works the left leg but Fandango comes out dancing to distract the Miz allowing Sandow to roll up the Miz for the win.
Winner: Sandow
Goldust does a backstage interview about how he has screwed up with WWE but Cody made them proud. HHH shows up & talks about how much pressure Goldust has on him.
Goldust does a backstage interview about how he has screwed up with WWE but Cody made them proud. HHH shows up & talks about how much pressure Goldust has on him.
Randy Orton Vs. Goldust
Goldust fires on all cylinders to start the match off with right hands but a clothesline in the corner makes Orton go to the outside of the ring. They test strength but Orton with right hands but walks into a drop kick by Goldust. Chops in the corner by Goldie but a poke in the eyes allows Orton to put the punches to Goldie in the corner. Goldie with a quick roll up for a count of 2. Goldust sets him up for shattered dreams but Orton rolls out leading to commercial. Back from break with Goldust in control & sends him to the outside of the ring. Goldust bounces Ortons head off the steel steps but back in the ring Orton uses the ropes for help then sends him head first into the ring post. Orton gets him back in the ring where he continues the beat down until Goldust hits a bull dog out of nowhere. Goldust with a couple clotheslines then a uppercut. Goldust with ten punches in the corner & rolls him up for a close count of 2. Orton with a right hands then hits the DDT off the 2nd rope. Orton mocks Bryan then goes for the RKO but Goldust blocks it & hits Cross Rhodes for a count of 2. When Goldust is arguing with the Referee he gets rolled up for 2. Goldust misses with a clothesline & Orton hits RKO for the win.
Winner: Orton
After the match Orton says Goldust Dream to save Cody job was shattered just like he will do to Bryan's dreams at Night Of Champions.
Backstage segment with Stephanie McMahon & Goldust about being a failure.
Rob Van Damn Vs. Ryback
Before the match Del Rio does a promo about he will be chanting ADR when he beats RVD. Alright here we go with the Match where RVD is trying to get Ryback off his feet but when going for the monkey flip its blocked. Ryback stays in control with punches & powerful moves until RVD lands a spinning kick followed by rolling thunder for a count of 2. RVD with a front senton off the top rope for a count of 2. RVD with a side kick off the top rope. He goes up to the top rope for Frog Splash but Ryback rolls out of the ring & when RVD goes for the dive he eats Barricade. Ryback sends RVD nuts first into the ring post for the DQ. After the match Ryback lays him out with shell shock.
Winner: RVD Via DQ
Big Show is told he can't touch the Shield so he destroys a TV.
Backstage segment with Stephanie McMahon & Goldust about being a failure.
Rob Van Damn Vs. Ryback
Before the match Del Rio does a promo about he will be chanting ADR when he beats RVD. Alright here we go with the Match where RVD is trying to get Ryback off his feet but when going for the monkey flip its blocked. Ryback stays in control with punches & powerful moves until RVD lands a spinning kick followed by rolling thunder for a count of 2. RVD with a front senton off the top rope for a count of 2. RVD with a side kick off the top rope. He goes up to the top rope for Frog Splash but Ryback rolls out of the ring & when RVD goes for the dive he eats Barricade. Ryback sends RVD nuts first into the ring post for the DQ. After the match Ryback lays him out with shell shock.
Winner: RVD Via DQ
Big Show is told he can't touch the Shield so he destroys a TV.
Daniel Bryan Vs. Dean Ambrose
Bryan & Ambrose exchange right hands to start off the match. Back in the ring, Bryan with several kicks for a count of 2. Bryan trips him then with kicks to the left arm. Ambrose with a kick to the ribs but Bryan flips in the corner & clotheslines him. A snap suplex & he goes to the top rope but Rollins distracts him & Ambrose knocks him to the floor. Back from break with Bryan sending Ambrose into the Ring post then a drop kick in the corner twice. Bryan with several kicks to the chest of Ambrose then locks in the Yes lock but gets to the ropes. Bryan misses the drop kick in the corner & Ambrose gets the roll up for a count of 2. Back & forth with Bryan finally hitting a big suplex off the top rope. Bryan with more kicks but is sent to the outside. Rollins distracts the Referee & Reigns tries to hit the spear but eats the steps. Ambrose connects with a DDT on the floor. Back in the ring with Ambrose screaming at Bryan but out of nowhere Bryan rolls him up for the win.
Winner: Bryan
After the match Randy Orton runs to the ring but Bryan lands a suicide dive to the outside. The shield starts attacking Bryan but Big Show grabs a chair & acts like he will save Bryan but puts the chair down. They send him in the ring & Orton RKO him. HHH tells Big Show to go to the ring & Knock him out. Big Show Argues with Orton but when Orton turns around he catches a knee to the face & Bryan stands tall over Orton to end the show.
Thanks for watching along, What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos