– WWE Diva Rosa Mendes made her return to raw last night,She came out and danced with The Miz.
- After Raw went off the Air there was a Dark Match with the Shield vs. Mark Henry, Big Show and Rob Van Dam. As the match was getting started Daniel Bryan was still outside the ring, four officials helped him up, yet he made his way up the ramp own his own power. The crowd went home happy as Mark Henry hit is World Strongest Slam for the win.
- WWE Superstars (Airing Thursday):
The Uso Brothers & Justin Gabriel defeated 3MB. 3MB continued to job.
Antonio Cesaro (w/ Colter & Swagger) defeated Dolph Ziggler. Crowd was hot for Ziggler and the match was given a good amount of time. Colter and Swagger got involved several times during the match. Cesaro hit the Neutralizer and pinned Ziggler clean.