The dark match main event was announced by Justin Roberts as a 6 man tag, but it for whatever reason ended up being only John Cena and Ryback vs. The Shield. The match saw a DQ finish due to The Shield interfering. Cena and Ryback hit their finishers and big spots on everyone to send the crowd home happy.
It should be mentioned that about half way through the Punk/Kane match, Chioda threw the “X” sign to the trainer while checking on Punk, as he laid in the floor. The trainer ran over, out of camera view, and spoke to Punk. This happened about 3 times during the rest of the match, with Chioda subtly giving the “X” sign to the trainer at ringside each time. Before Punk stole the urn, he spent quite a bit of time with Chioda and the trainer directly in front of the announcer’stable. It appears he was working with a legitimate injury.