* Cody Rhodes opens the show and wants a spot in Elimination Chamber. Michael Cole says Booker T isn't here but announces Rhodes vs. Sheamus. Sheamus comes out with some comedy.
* Sheamus beat Cody Rhodes with a Brogue Kick.
* Damien Sandow comes out and calls Cody's loss a huge travesty.
* Damien Sandow beat Daniel Bryan when Kane's pyro distracted Bryan. They had a staredown after the match.
* Cameron and Naomi beat Tamina Snuka and Aksana. Brodus Clay was out for commentary.
* Sheamus beat Cody Rhodes with a Brogue Kick.
* Damien Sandow comes out and calls Cody's loss a huge travesty.
* Damien Sandow beat Daniel Bryan when Kane's pyro distracted Bryan. They had a staredown after the match.
* Cameron and Naomi beat Tamina Snuka and Aksana. Brodus Clay was out for commentary.