Gov't Hits Businesses With More Job-Killing Rules
The nation was recently treated to a decision by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that certain employers may not require employees to have a high school diploma because it might violate the Americans with Disabilities Act. Clearly, the EEOC has lost its marbles.
During the weakest "recovery" in the economy since the Great Depression, with the longest sustained high unemployment, the EEOC has created a new Gotcha Game to make employers ever more hesitant on hiring. It is astonishing that the EEOC can engage in such nonsense.
That said, it is truly unfortunate that there are students suffering hits to their self-esteem. In fact, American high school students are falling behind countries such as Jordan in math skills and recently ranked 15th among 16 developed countries in math and dead last in physics.
Read more at Investor's Business Daily ...
During the weakest "recovery" in the economy since the Great Depression, with the longest sustained high unemployment, the EEOC has created a new Gotcha Game to make employers ever more hesitant on hiring. It is astonishing that the EEOC can engage in such nonsense.
That said, it is truly unfortunate that there are students suffering hits to their self-esteem. In fact, American high school students are falling behind countries such as Jordan in math skills and recently ranked 15th among 16 developed countries in math and dead last in physics.
Read more at Investor's Business Daily ...
ROSEANNE BARR Files Official Docs To Become President
Roseanne Barr -- who famously butchered the National Anthem -- has filed official documents to become the Green Party's nominee for President of the United States of America.
Barr -- who has been waging a Twitter and Facebook grassroots, digital campaign -- has just made it official. She wants to carry the Green Party banner in the November election.
Barr says she's sick of Democrats and Republicans, whom she believes are not working in the best interests of the American people.
So what, you ask, is Roseanne pushing? The answer is simple ... pot. She wants marijuana legalized and sold strictly domestically.
As for the whole Iraq thing ... she'll get back to us.
Barr -- who has been waging a Twitter and Facebook grassroots, digital campaign -- has just made it official. She wants to carry the Green Party banner in the November election.
Barr says she's sick of Democrats and Republicans, whom she believes are not working in the best interests of the American people.
So what, you ask, is Roseanne pushing? The answer is simple ... pot. She wants marijuana legalized and sold strictly domestically.
As for the whole Iraq thing ... she'll get back to us.