Round 1: Stiff kick to the body lands by Menjivar, who is looking to bounce back from a loss to Urijah Faber earlier this year. Reis throws a body kick of his own, but gets pushed down by Menjivar. Maybe it was more of a slip, hard to tell live. Reis with a nice flurry, but gets answered with some Muay Thai knees by Menjivar. Reis looks to have found his rhythm, throwing with more authority everything he has at Menjivar. Nice short elbow by Menjivar lands. Reis pushing forward, but Menjivar is doing a nice job of defending the attacks. The veteran pulls guard with under 40 seconds left, and Reis lands a nice elbow to the head.
Round 2: Menjivar firing more kicks to start this round, and finding more success, too. Here comes Reis with his fast-acting approach, landing a left and following up with a single-leg takedown with authority. Reis is unable to gain control on the ground, though, and resorts to some nice kicks while Menjivar is down. A third takedown scores for Reis, who gets stuck in the guard once again. Reis has been able to do much damage after taking Menjivar down, but he has controlled the tempo with his wrestling. Reis postures up and does a little damage, but it allows Menjivar to kick out and get up to his feet.
Round 3: Reis remaining aggressive, and that appears to have Menjivar off his game, as the vet doesn’t know what to do. The crowd is trying to get behind Menjivar, who trains in Montreal. Menjivar lands a kick, but it allows Reis to work for a takedown. Menjivar possibly attempting a guillotine, but Reis notices and scores with a trip takedown as we go under three minutes. Reis looking for an arm triangle as we approach two minutes left in this one. He gives it up for now and lands a nice left from close range. Another left to the face and two to the body, as Reis is moving things towards the center of the Octagon. Reis remains in complete control on the ground.
Wilson Reis def. Ivan Menjivar via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
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Round 2: Menjivar firing more kicks to start this round, and finding more success, too. Here comes Reis with his fast-acting approach, landing a left and following up with a single-leg takedown with authority. Reis is unable to gain control on the ground, though, and resorts to some nice kicks while Menjivar is down. A third takedown scores for Reis, who gets stuck in the guard once again. Reis has been able to do much damage after taking Menjivar down, but he has controlled the tempo with his wrestling. Reis postures up and does a little damage, but it allows Menjivar to kick out and get up to his feet.
Round 3: Reis remaining aggressive, and that appears to have Menjivar off his game, as the vet doesn’t know what to do. The crowd is trying to get behind Menjivar, who trains in Montreal. Menjivar lands a kick, but it allows Reis to work for a takedown. Menjivar possibly attempting a guillotine, but Reis notices and scores with a trip takedown as we go under three minutes. Reis looking for an arm triangle as we approach two minutes left in this one. He gives it up for now and lands a nice left from close range. Another left to the face and two to the body, as Reis is moving things towards the center of the Octagon. Reis remains in complete control on the ground.
Wilson Reis def. Ivan Menjivar via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
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– You can now follow me (Andy) on my Twitter account is at
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