Round 1: Waldburger lands first with an outside leg kick. Amagov misses with a high kick. Waldburger moves in with a right hand. Amagov changes levels for a takedown but Waldburger shakes it off. Amagov lands a spinning back kick to the body. Waldburger closes the distance and gets to the clinch position. He works for a single leg takedown. Amagov displays solid takedown defense. Amagov lands short punches. Waldburger gives up on the takedown. Amagov lands a short right hand that hurts Waldburger. Amagov delivers a left hook hand that knocks Waldburger down. He follows up with punches that put Waldburger out.
The official time of the knockout was 3:45 of the first round.
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The official time of the knockout was 3:45 of the first round.
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