Round 1: Mario Yamasaki is the third man in the cage. Benavidez pumps his jab and tosses out a front kick. Benavidez wades inside with a combination. Formiga shakes it off and circles. Benavidez ducks under a right, then eats another right. Formiga blocks a head kick. Another exchange but neither fighter gets the best of it. Benavidez whiffs on a right hook. Benavidez cracks Formiga one-two, then drops him with a knee! Benavidez swarms. Formiga turtles up and eats shot after shot. Yamasaki steps in. This one is over. Another knockout for Team Alpha Male.
Joseph Benavidez def. Jussier Formiga via TKO (knee and punches) at 3:07 of round 1.
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Joseph Benavidez def. Jussier Formiga via TKO (knee and punches) at 3:07 of round 1.
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