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Damien Sandow Def Santino Marella
Alright i don't really have a problem with the match or how good it was. It honestly was what it was. A comedy match that saw the right go over at the end of the day. Lets get to Damien Sandow first, He is the MITB holder & could be the next world champion. Why he has been Jobbed out the past couple months is ridiculous. He has proven not only in the ring but on the Mic. He needs wins & wins & guess what more wins.
The Wyatt Family defeated The Primetime Players
A solid tag match was not a surprise with the PTP in the mix. Every time they get in the ring you know they won't have a bad match. The Wyatt Family is on a row but still where are they going with these characters is the reason question. As for Bray one week is he red hot & the other is a after thought. I know once Kane returns which should be right around the corner then he will be back in the fold. I do like that they keep him off TV on a wrestling bases & shines him on the Mic. He is felt like a specialty item when he wrestles, Which is a very good thing.
Curtis Axel defeated Zack Ryder
Yeah not to much to say about the match but only that hey Ryder got TV time on Raw & Main Event, Bonus! Ryder is such a jobber which is no doubt a shame. Axel needs wins which is what he got. I don't think that Ryder putting him over really did that much of a impact.
The Real Americans Defeated Tons of Funk
Every time i see Tons of Funk come out i just say oh boy hope this goes fast. I'm in no way interested in them so not much there. I am glad though that Real Americans got the win. A good group of talent & a hell of a Manger, WWE has a good group of guys in the tag division but if they would let them talk & developed stories & rivalries they might actually get there,
Overall A very skip able edition of Main Event, 4 matches in a one hour show is just too much to get anything going in order of a match & this is coming from a guy who likes short matches on raw. Main Event has lost any interest it once had just because it simply got away from what made it great.
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Thanks for reading, What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos
Alright i don't really have a problem with the match or how good it was. It honestly was what it was. A comedy match that saw the right go over at the end of the day. Lets get to Damien Sandow first, He is the MITB holder & could be the next world champion. Why he has been Jobbed out the past couple months is ridiculous. He has proven not only in the ring but on the Mic. He needs wins & wins & guess what more wins.
The Wyatt Family defeated The Primetime Players
A solid tag match was not a surprise with the PTP in the mix. Every time they get in the ring you know they won't have a bad match. The Wyatt Family is on a row but still where are they going with these characters is the reason question. As for Bray one week is he red hot & the other is a after thought. I know once Kane returns which should be right around the corner then he will be back in the fold. I do like that they keep him off TV on a wrestling bases & shines him on the Mic. He is felt like a specialty item when he wrestles, Which is a very good thing.
Curtis Axel defeated Zack Ryder
Yeah not to much to say about the match but only that hey Ryder got TV time on Raw & Main Event, Bonus! Ryder is such a jobber which is no doubt a shame. Axel needs wins which is what he got. I don't think that Ryder putting him over really did that much of a impact.
The Real Americans Defeated Tons of Funk
Every time i see Tons of Funk come out i just say oh boy hope this goes fast. I'm in no way interested in them so not much there. I am glad though that Real Americans got the win. A good group of talent & a hell of a Manger, WWE has a good group of guys in the tag division but if they would let them talk & developed stories & rivalries they might actually get there,
Overall A very skip able edition of Main Event, 4 matches in a one hour show is just too much to get anything going in order of a match & this is coming from a guy who likes short matches on raw. Main Event has lost any interest it once had just because it simply got away from what made it great.
We are looking for News, Results & Columns Reporter, If interested click this link
Thanks for reading, What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos