Source: Pwinsider
– TNA’s Dixie Carter has stated that the plan will be for iMPACT! to be live every week. When they take iMPACT! on the road, they will be live every other week to begin with.
– TNA is doing a new social media promotion where they are asking fans to pose in front of their city’s landmarks holding a sign that reads “#wewantimpact” and post them on Twitter as a way to get TNA to bring a taping to their market.
– Eddie sent this one along: The Big O didn’t get the Dark match for TNA in Fayetteville NC. He was however in the TNA Gutcheck. Desiree Snow (Mia Svensson) did however get the Dark match against Kacee Carlisle.
– TNA’s Dixie Carter has stated that the plan will be for iMPACT! to be live every week. When they take iMPACT! on the road, they will be live every other week to begin with.
– TNA is doing a new social media promotion where they are asking fans to pose in front of their city’s landmarks holding a sign that reads “#wewantimpact” and post them on Twitter as a way to get TNA to bring a taping to their market.
– Eddie sent this one along: The Big O didn’t get the Dark match for TNA in Fayetteville NC. He was however in the TNA Gutcheck. Desiree Snow (Mia Svensson) did however get the Dark match against Kacee Carlisle.