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Highlights are shown from CM Punk vs. Ryback & the WWE Title Match from last night’s HIAC PPV.
Our new World Champion John Cena comes to the ring. He says that he is used to getting booed & says he is back. Cena says some people are happy & some are not with him being world champion. Cena wants to thank JBL, because JBL doubted him coming back to early. Cena says the new world heavyweight champ is here! He says he is back for a long time & he knows that he is back on Smackdown as the champion. He says that he has to take care of his elbow but he is ready to go. Cena talks about Randy Orton new celebration so he will stop talking. He says Del Rio will want a rematch & he will be ready. The champ is here!
Damien Sandow comes out, he says the UN crowned champ is here. Sandow says that he is not fooling him. He says that it is impossible to have the kind of injury can heal. He says the real reason cena is saying that is because Cena is afraid he will cash in on Cena. Sandow says he can cash in anytime & says right now but yet again... just not tonight. Cena pushes him & Sandow hits him several times with the briefcase. He uses the ring post on the elbow then sends him elbow first into the barricade. HE finishes the attack driving him into the steel steps. He has Cena arm on the bottom steel steps & hits it with a steel chair. He calls it in & this is it! They go into commercial.
Damien Sandow Vs. John Cena For the World Heavyweight Title
Alright here we go, Cena with a kick but Sandow is going right after the injured arm. They trade right hads but an arm breaker for 2. Sandow sends Cena into the ring post for 2. Sandow continues to work the injured arm until Cena fights back with a belly to belly for 2. Sandow hits an arm toss then goes back to work on the arm. Sandow with a snap suplex for 2. Sandow has an elbow submission but Cena fights out with a kick then a back drop leading into a second commercial break. Back from break with Cena hitting a shoulder block. Cena with a big boot then a side walk slam followed by a five knuckle shuffle but Sandow hits the arm then a neck breaker for 2. Sandow throws him into the corner hard twice. Cena hits the AA out of nowhere but Sandow rolls out of the ring. Cena drags Sandow back in the ring & locks in the STF but can’t lock it in so he stops. Cena tries to pick him up but Sandow blocks it & lands a neck breaker for 2. Sandow locks in a full nelson but Cena blocks it & hits a suplex for close 2. Cena walks right into a cross face by Sandow but Cena rolls through. Cena goes for AA but Sandow hits your welcome. Back & forth but Cena ends it with the AA for the win.
Winner & still champion: Cena
Big E. Langston Vs. Dean Ambrose
It’s all Langston until the Shield interfere & cause the DQ. They all beat down the big man until the Uso’s come down to make the save.
The Uso’s & Big E. Langston Vs. The Shield
Back from break where this match starts, The shield is in control & their beating down one of the uso. They stay in control with basic tag team wrestling until Uso hits a jaw breaker & a kick. A big spike DDT on the fresh reigns. The other Uso gets the tag clears house. He hits a big spine buster. He backs it up in the corner for 2 as Ambrose breaks it up. Langston takes out Ambrose but back in the ring Rollins puts Uso on the top rope & goes for a suplex but Uso blocks it & hits a front suplex Uso hits a splash but Seth gets his knee’s up. Reigns gets the tag & they go for a double team suplex & they both hit a super kick on Rollins but when they turn around Reigns hits an awesome double spear for the win.
Winner: Hounds of Justice – The Shield
Shawn Michaels comes out & says he wants to tell to Daniel Bryan’s face why he did what he did. So DB comes to the ring & Shawn starts talking. Shawn says he did not intend for that to happen but all hell broke loose. When he did what he did to Triple H it made him do it. When everyone left him (Shawn) at his worst moments he was there. Shawn asks Bryan accept his apology & shake his hand. Bryan says no, Shawn says that he taught him but Bryan got so farther than he thought. Shawn says that it was finally lesson & in the WWE you don’t trust anyone. Shawn asks him again to just shake his hand for respect but Bryan still says no. Shawn calls him a puke then says that he stuck up for him for months. He says that he has always been an A+ talent so by god shake his damn hand. Daniel locks in the yes lock & WWE Officials break it up.
AJ Lee & Tamina Vs. Bella Twins
AJ catches Brie off guard & hits a kick to the leg. Brie with a drop kick but Tamina is tagged in but eats an elbow. Tamina throws her off the 2nd rope. Tamina locks in a headlock but Brie fights out shortly but gets head butted several times. Brie with an enziguri & tagged in Nikki. She clears house, but is caught up on the ropes. Brie is knocked off the apron. Nikki kicks her then goes up top but is caught & Tamina swings her into Brie. Tamina with a Samoa drop then tags in AJ. Ms Lee locks in the black widow for the win.
Winner: Tamina & AJ
Kane Vs. The Miz
Kane with right hands to start things off. A big boot by Kane for 2. Miz with some kicks of his own then Kane misses in the corner & Miz connects with a clothesline but is caught from off the top rope & hits a choke slam for the win.
Winner: Kane
After the match, He calls out Stephanie McMahon to the ring. She says on the stage. Kane says that she has ruined lives with her authority. Kane says it is whats best for business & he says the monster is hers to unleashed. He takes off the mask & hands it to her. Wow.
David Otunga Is show as the Big Show attorney in a Video.
Before his match, CM Punk said he slept like a baby because he got his hands on Paul Heyman. He says Heyman is history & says its time to end Ryback tonight!
CM Punk Vs. Ryback in a Street Fight
Ryback with right hands but Punk with a cross body & clothesline him out of the ring. Punk with an outside dive but he is caught & is sent back first into the barricade. Ryback sets up a table but Punk comes in the ring with a kendo stick. Ryback takes out Punk then goes for the meat hook but blocked & Punk connects with a neck breaker. Punk goes for a head kick but blocked & Ryback power bombs Punk in the corner. Punk lays Ryback on the table out of nowhere then an elbow off the top threw the table. He locks in the anaconda device for the win.
Winner: Cm Punk
After the match the Wyatt Family comes out. They attack him then Bray lays him out with the sister Abigail.
Rhodes Brothers Vs.The Real Americans
An arm take down by Goldust but then an arm take over followed by a knee to the face. He is sent to the corner of the real American’s. Cesaro with upper cuts in the corner. He is sent into the corner but with an elbow out of nowhere. Double right hand & cody is now in. Cody with a knee to the gut. A quick tag & a bull dog from Goldust for 2. Cody with a spring board clothesline onto Swagger. He clotheslines him out of the ring into commercial break.
Back from break with Real American’s in control. Cesaro with a massive uppercut. Cody with right hand then a flying knee to knock Cesaro to the floor. Goldust with the hot tag & he clears house. Goldust with a big boot, he lands the 10 punches in the corner. Goldust with a snap suplex & Cody hits the disaster kick on Cesaro. Goldust with a cross body off the top for 2. Swagger gets the ankle lock but Goldust rolls him up for 2. Cesaro gets clotheslines out of the ring but swagger takes out his knee & locks in the ankle lock for the win. We the people!
Winners: Real Americans
Alberto Del Rio comes to the stage & starts talking about John Cena. He says Cena stole the title away from him but he gets revenge. He says he will hurt him. He will attack the injured arm & he will break it.
Natalya Def. Summer Rae
Triple H says that long ago Vince McMahon wanted to know who was the break out star was & it was Orton. Triple H says that Orton became the face of WWE. He brings out Randy Orton. Stephanie says that the WWE locker room is what they want to be in randy Orton. Randy says he is better than us (Fans) & the rest of the locker room because he is champion. Randy says he is their superior & the Big Show comes out. Big man fights the shield but the rest of the locker room come to make the save. Big Show goes in the ring & he brawls with Orton. Big lays him out with KO Punch. He & Triple H stare off to end Raw.
Thanks for watching.
Our new World Champion John Cena comes to the ring. He says that he is used to getting booed & says he is back. Cena says some people are happy & some are not with him being world champion. Cena wants to thank JBL, because JBL doubted him coming back to early. Cena says the new world heavyweight champ is here! He says he is back for a long time & he knows that he is back on Smackdown as the champion. He says that he has to take care of his elbow but he is ready to go. Cena talks about Randy Orton new celebration so he will stop talking. He says Del Rio will want a rematch & he will be ready. The champ is here!
Damien Sandow comes out, he says the UN crowned champ is here. Sandow says that he is not fooling him. He says that it is impossible to have the kind of injury can heal. He says the real reason cena is saying that is because Cena is afraid he will cash in on Cena. Sandow says he can cash in anytime & says right now but yet again... just not tonight. Cena pushes him & Sandow hits him several times with the briefcase. He uses the ring post on the elbow then sends him elbow first into the barricade. HE finishes the attack driving him into the steel steps. He has Cena arm on the bottom steel steps & hits it with a steel chair. He calls it in & this is it! They go into commercial.
Damien Sandow Vs. John Cena For the World Heavyweight Title
Alright here we go, Cena with a kick but Sandow is going right after the injured arm. They trade right hads but an arm breaker for 2. Sandow sends Cena into the ring post for 2. Sandow continues to work the injured arm until Cena fights back with a belly to belly for 2. Sandow hits an arm toss then goes back to work on the arm. Sandow with a snap suplex for 2. Sandow has an elbow submission but Cena fights out with a kick then a back drop leading into a second commercial break. Back from break with Cena hitting a shoulder block. Cena with a big boot then a side walk slam followed by a five knuckle shuffle but Sandow hits the arm then a neck breaker for 2. Sandow throws him into the corner hard twice. Cena hits the AA out of nowhere but Sandow rolls out of the ring. Cena drags Sandow back in the ring & locks in the STF but can’t lock it in so he stops. Cena tries to pick him up but Sandow blocks it & lands a neck breaker for 2. Sandow locks in a full nelson but Cena blocks it & hits a suplex for close 2. Cena walks right into a cross face by Sandow but Cena rolls through. Cena goes for AA but Sandow hits your welcome. Back & forth but Cena ends it with the AA for the win.
Winner & still champion: Cena
Big E. Langston Vs. Dean Ambrose
It’s all Langston until the Shield interfere & cause the DQ. They all beat down the big man until the Uso’s come down to make the save.
The Uso’s & Big E. Langston Vs. The Shield
Back from break where this match starts, The shield is in control & their beating down one of the uso. They stay in control with basic tag team wrestling until Uso hits a jaw breaker & a kick. A big spike DDT on the fresh reigns. The other Uso gets the tag clears house. He hits a big spine buster. He backs it up in the corner for 2 as Ambrose breaks it up. Langston takes out Ambrose but back in the ring Rollins puts Uso on the top rope & goes for a suplex but Uso blocks it & hits a front suplex Uso hits a splash but Seth gets his knee’s up. Reigns gets the tag & they go for a double team suplex & they both hit a super kick on Rollins but when they turn around Reigns hits an awesome double spear for the win.
Winner: Hounds of Justice – The Shield
Shawn Michaels comes out & says he wants to tell to Daniel Bryan’s face why he did what he did. So DB comes to the ring & Shawn starts talking. Shawn says he did not intend for that to happen but all hell broke loose. When he did what he did to Triple H it made him do it. When everyone left him (Shawn) at his worst moments he was there. Shawn asks Bryan accept his apology & shake his hand. Bryan says no, Shawn says that he taught him but Bryan got so farther than he thought. Shawn says that it was finally lesson & in the WWE you don’t trust anyone. Shawn asks him again to just shake his hand for respect but Bryan still says no. Shawn calls him a puke then says that he stuck up for him for months. He says that he has always been an A+ talent so by god shake his damn hand. Daniel locks in the yes lock & WWE Officials break it up.
AJ Lee & Tamina Vs. Bella Twins
AJ catches Brie off guard & hits a kick to the leg. Brie with a drop kick but Tamina is tagged in but eats an elbow. Tamina throws her off the 2nd rope. Tamina locks in a headlock but Brie fights out shortly but gets head butted several times. Brie with an enziguri & tagged in Nikki. She clears house, but is caught up on the ropes. Brie is knocked off the apron. Nikki kicks her then goes up top but is caught & Tamina swings her into Brie. Tamina with a Samoa drop then tags in AJ. Ms Lee locks in the black widow for the win.
Winner: Tamina & AJ
Kane Vs. The Miz
Kane with right hands to start things off. A big boot by Kane for 2. Miz with some kicks of his own then Kane misses in the corner & Miz connects with a clothesline but is caught from off the top rope & hits a choke slam for the win.
Winner: Kane
After the match, He calls out Stephanie McMahon to the ring. She says on the stage. Kane says that she has ruined lives with her authority. Kane says it is whats best for business & he says the monster is hers to unleashed. He takes off the mask & hands it to her. Wow.
David Otunga Is show as the Big Show attorney in a Video.
Before his match, CM Punk said he slept like a baby because he got his hands on Paul Heyman. He says Heyman is history & says its time to end Ryback tonight!
CM Punk Vs. Ryback in a Street Fight
Ryback with right hands but Punk with a cross body & clothesline him out of the ring. Punk with an outside dive but he is caught & is sent back first into the barricade. Ryback sets up a table but Punk comes in the ring with a kendo stick. Ryback takes out Punk then goes for the meat hook but blocked & Punk connects with a neck breaker. Punk goes for a head kick but blocked & Ryback power bombs Punk in the corner. Punk lays Ryback on the table out of nowhere then an elbow off the top threw the table. He locks in the anaconda device for the win.
Winner: Cm Punk
After the match the Wyatt Family comes out. They attack him then Bray lays him out with the sister Abigail.
Rhodes Brothers Vs.The Real Americans
An arm take down by Goldust but then an arm take over followed by a knee to the face. He is sent to the corner of the real American’s. Cesaro with upper cuts in the corner. He is sent into the corner but with an elbow out of nowhere. Double right hand & cody is now in. Cody with a knee to the gut. A quick tag & a bull dog from Goldust for 2. Cody with a spring board clothesline onto Swagger. He clotheslines him out of the ring into commercial break.
Back from break with Real American’s in control. Cesaro with a massive uppercut. Cody with right hand then a flying knee to knock Cesaro to the floor. Goldust with the hot tag & he clears house. Goldust with a big boot, he lands the 10 punches in the corner. Goldust with a snap suplex & Cody hits the disaster kick on Cesaro. Goldust with a cross body off the top for 2. Swagger gets the ankle lock but Goldust rolls him up for 2. Cesaro gets clotheslines out of the ring but swagger takes out his knee & locks in the ankle lock for the win. We the people!
Winners: Real Americans
Alberto Del Rio comes to the stage & starts talking about John Cena. He says Cena stole the title away from him but he gets revenge. He says he will hurt him. He will attack the injured arm & he will break it.
Natalya Def. Summer Rae
Triple H says that long ago Vince McMahon wanted to know who was the break out star was & it was Orton. Triple H says that Orton became the face of WWE. He brings out Randy Orton. Stephanie says that the WWE locker room is what they want to be in randy Orton. Randy says he is better than us (Fans) & the rest of the locker room because he is champion. Randy says he is their superior & the Big Show comes out. Big man fights the shield but the rest of the locker room come to make the save. Big Show goes in the ring & he brawls with Orton. Big lays him out with KO Punch. He & Triple H stare off to end Raw.
Thanks for watching.