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We are live in Oklahoma City, CM Punk Comes to the ring, He says he knows why The Shield attacked him and it’s because he criticized Triple H. He says he wants to live in his WWE universe but calls the “King of Kings’ dense. He says that Triple and the “Authority” are the biggest losers he has ever seen. Stephanie McMahon comes out and wishes us a happy thanksgiving. She says that there is no way that Triple H had The Shield attack him because its below them She says they were just as upset that The Shield attacked him then she hypes the Contract Signing later tonight. She adds that if he has any other comments then he can ask Kane. He comes out; he says the “Authority” had nothing to do with the attack. Punk asks him when he became an ass kisser but Kane advise him not to go down this road. Kane adds that they are not the enemy and not to go down this path. Punk challenges him and Kane wants to but Stephanie holds him back. The Shield comes out; they surround the ring as Punk gets a chair. Stephanie stops them and tells them to respect Punk. Kane announces that CM Punk will take on The Shield (all three members) at TLC.
-Commercial Break-
Sandow does a brief promo before the match saying he will become the New IC Champ.
#1 Contender Match For the intercontinental Title: Damien Sandow Vs. Dolph Ziggler
A roll up then a drop kick by Ziggler. A clothesline off the ropes then goes for the Zig Zag but blocked. Sandow rolls to the outside of the ring but eats an baseball slide. Sandow sends Ziggler head first into the steel steps then rolls him into the ring for 2. Sandow with knees to the gut then a neck breaker, he follows it up with the elbow for 2. Sandow with a suplex, he comes off the top rope with a missed moonsult. Ziggler with big DDT for 2. Sandow misses in the corner, Ziggler with a big splash and follows it up with right hands. Ziggler with a neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler goes for the fame aser then rolls him up for 2. Sandow with a big right hand but is back dropped then hits the fameaser for 2. Ziggler goes to the top rope but knocked down. Sandow it’s the “Your Welcome” finisher for the win.
Winner and New #1 Contender: Sandow in 3:50
-Commercial Break-
Natalya and The Bella Twins beat A.J. Lee, Tamina, and Summer Rae The match ends when Natalya rolls up AJ Lee off the distraction in 4:25
Wade Barrett is now bad news Barrett and he is at a podium. He says that the bad news is stuck in an arena full of hillbillies and overweight people. Thank You!Randy Orton and Brad Maddox is in the back talking, Orton says that he needs him to tell Triple H to recognize him as the greatest of all time. He demands him to tell him and that he is bigger than the WWE itself.
Daniel Bryan Vs. Eric Rowan
Rowan with clubbing shots then a shoulder tackle. Rowan with head butts but Bryan shoots off the ropes with right hands then kicks. Bryan with a sleeper hold but Rowan fights out of it. Rowan runs into a kick then a knee to the arm of Rowan followed by several shots by Bryan. He continues the kicks then goes for the Yes Lock! But rowan fights out. Rowan with a big suplex but when he goes for the 2nd attempt, Bryan fights out and connects with kicks. He goes for the Yes Lock! But rowan gets to the ropes. Rowan with a big right hand, Rowan sends him out of the ring. Bryan rolls back in the ring where he hits a suicide dive but caught and driven into the barricade.
-Commercial Break-
Rowan is still in control and dominates the match until Bryan makes his comeback and his two drop kicks I n the corner. When he goes for the third one he is caught with an elbow. Rowan locks in a headlock but Bryan fights out. Rowan keeps control until, Bryan sends Rowan out of the ring then hits a dive to the outside. Bryan goes to the top rope and hits a drop kick. Bryan with a series of kicks but misses the head kick. Bryan goes to the top rope but a big boot by Rowan. He lifts him up but Bryan rolls him up for the win.
Winner: Bryan in 13:41
After the match, Bray comes on the screen and tells them to stand down. He says there not going to hurt him unless he tells them too. Bray says that he has done some really bad things to a lot of good people. He says that he is wrong about Bryan and asks him how long Bryan will live with this secret. He understands him and that together they can bring down the machine.
-Commercial Break-
Kane talks with Daniel Bryan and says that he will take on all three members of the Wyatt’s at TLC. God help us!
Xavier Woods and R Truth Vs. Tons Of Funk
Clay and Woods starts things off with Clay dominating the match with suplex after suplex. Off the tag Tensi with a shoulder tackle but Woods fights back with right hands. Truth off the tag where they exchange right hands. Truth shoots off the ropes but Tensi hits a shoulder tackle. TOF stays in control until Truth hits a heel kick. Woods get the hot tag, Woods clears house with a drop kick. Woods honor roll for 2, Woods turns around and gets head-butted. Clay hits the big T-Bone suplex. Clay with a big splash in the corner then comes off the top rope but misses a splash. Woods rolls him up for the win.
Winners: Woods and Truth in 4:05
A WWE APP poll is shown again.
-Commercial Break-
Before the match Del Rio does a promo about how Cara is a below him and he is going to send him to the other side of the border.
Sin Cara Vs. Alberto Del Rio
The lights turned down so they just gave away the match, Del Rio with kicks in the corner. He throws Cara out to the apron where Cara takes him down with an arm drag. Cara with another one followed by it. Cara sends him to the outside where he hits a moonsult. Total botched it but here we go back in the ring. Del Rio with a super kick while Cara is getting back in the ring. He sends Cara into the barricade then back into the ring for a near fall. Del Rio with a headlock, Cara fights out briefly but not enough. Del Rio controls the action until Cara shoots off the ropes and hits a head take over. Cara with a spring board shoulder tackle then cross body off the ropes for 2. Cara is caught and Del Rio hits the German suplex followed by the arm bar but blocked. Cara hits an elbow then Del Rio misses the head kick. Cara with a senton dive for the win. Called it!
Winner: Sin Cara in 4:30
-Commercial Break-
John Cena does an interview backstage about his TLC PPV match.
All three members do a backstage promo about their match with Bryan.
6 Man Tag Match: Rhode Brothers & Big Show Vs. The Shield
Show and Ambrose start things off, Show with an elbow drop then a slap in the corner. Show with a head butt then another slap in the corner. Rollins is tagged in, he tries to kick down the giant but Show throws him around. Show with a suplex followed by an elbow drop for 2. Show pushes Rollins in the corner and now Reigns is in. They stare off then Show with a kick followed by sending him into the corner for the slap but Reigns tries to slap his way out of the corner but not enough until he eye pokes him. Ambrose is in and comes off the top rope but Show throws him off the top. Rollins screams pull on his beard! Goldust in off the tag and Cody trade tag moves. Ambrose tags in Rollins off an eye poke but Cody suplex him face first for 2. More tag work by the Brothers. Cody takes out The Shield then hits a big moonsult off the top for 2. He goes for cross Rhodes but blocked and knocks him down.
-Commercial Break-
The Shield stays in control until Rollins misses a splash in the corner. Cody hits a missile drop kick to take out Ambrose. Reigns is tagged in but eats a kick. Big Show is tagged in and clears the ring. Show with a back body drop then a big splash followed by wait, Ambrose lifts the rope down and Show goes to the floor. Show rolls in the ring and Rollins hits the knee to the jaw off the top rope. Big Show is dazed and several kicks to the face. They continue the beat down until Show fights out with the choke slam. Goldust gets the tag and clears house. He hits a head take over off the top rope then a spine buster for 2. Ambrose breaks it up and drop kicks Cody off the apron. While distracted they attacked Goldust from behind. Show takes out Ambrose then Goldust with a power slam on Rollins. Reigns hits a huge spear on Big Show on the floor. Cody takes out Reigns with a big dive. Goldust on the top but Ambrose meets him, Goldust with a suplex off the top onto Rollins but Rollins rolls out and when they land, Rollins rolls Goldust up.
Great finish and Winners: The Shield in 20:00
-Commercial Break-
CM Punk does a promo backstage and says that he is over joyed about his TLC PPV match. He sings but says he is going down but the question is, how many of The Shield is he taking down?
Bad New Barrett is back and says Thanksgiving caused us to be constipated. Nice
Ryback and Curtis Axe Vs. The Miz and Kofi Kingston
Miz and Axel start things off, Miz with a clothesline, Kingston off the tag with a kick to the chest. They keep control until the former “Heyman Guys” takes over. Ryback with a big jack hammer suplex then locks in a side lock on Miz, They stay in control until Miz fights out of a bear hug. Kingston with a tag and a spring board drop kick. Ryback accidentally takes out Miz, Kingston with a cross body for 2. Kingston who is on the apron taking out Axel is clotheslines by Ryback. He follows it with the “Shell Shock” for the win.
Winners: Ex “Heyman Guys” in 5:48
After the match Miz slaps Kingston then walks away.
-Commercial Break-
Mark Henry Vs. Fandango
More Jokes to start this off, Fandango starts to dance but Henry picks him up and suplex him. Someone is on diet because Henry is mad… my own jokes. Henry throws him into the corner, then again but he goes for the splash and moves. Fandango with right hands, he takes out his knee then a DDT for 2. Boots to the face then goes to the top rope where Henry catches him but falls backwards for 2. Henry with a clothesline then ends it with WSS for the win.
Winner: Henry in 3:25
They show a replay of Titus O’Neal puking on Smackdown.
-Commercial Break-
Prime Time Players Vs. Real Americans
PTP takes control early on but O’Neal runs into a big boot and Real Americans take control. Quick tags in and out, Swagger with a big clothesline on the outside but back in the ring where RA stay in control, A double stomp by Cesaro then a suplex. Double elbow by them, Cesaro goes for the giant swing and there playing up that O’Neal is still sick from over eating on Friday. O’Neal acts like he is going to get sick but tags in Young who clears house. DY with a belly to belly then a big clothesline in the corner for 2. Young gets distracted by Swagger who is caught with a suplex. When he comes off the top rope Cesaro catches him with an uppercut.
Winners: Real Americans in 7:00
Contract Signing Time! Both participants come to the ring; Triple H lists all the WWE and World Heavyweight champions in history. Now it’s a match that they have planned for a long time but they had to know that both champions could carry on as the face of the WWE. Time is now; Orton says that no matter how great the other champions are, he is better than all of them. He says that he will walk out with both titles. Cena introduces himself, Orton says they have history. Cena starts his jokes, he says that Orton turned into Triple H nightmare and never leaved up to his potential. Cena says that Orton is cocky and lazy; He says that Cena took his place and is the face of the WWE for his hard work. Cena says that he is just him and is pressing his buttons. He stares him down and challenges him if he wants to fight. They start brawling, Cena uses a ladder on Orton but Orton sends him head first into the ring post. Orton clearing the commentary booth but walks into a ladder shot. Cena with a chair shot then into the steel steps. They go back and forth but Cena hits the AA on Orton through the table. Cena stands over him this time to end the show
-Commercial Break-
Sandow does a brief promo before the match saying he will become the New IC Champ.
#1 Contender Match For the intercontinental Title: Damien Sandow Vs. Dolph Ziggler
A roll up then a drop kick by Ziggler. A clothesline off the ropes then goes for the Zig Zag but blocked. Sandow rolls to the outside of the ring but eats an baseball slide. Sandow sends Ziggler head first into the steel steps then rolls him into the ring for 2. Sandow with knees to the gut then a neck breaker, he follows it up with the elbow for 2. Sandow with a suplex, he comes off the top rope with a missed moonsult. Ziggler with big DDT for 2. Sandow misses in the corner, Ziggler with a big splash and follows it up with right hands. Ziggler with a neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler goes for the fame aser then rolls him up for 2. Sandow with a big right hand but is back dropped then hits the fameaser for 2. Ziggler goes to the top rope but knocked down. Sandow it’s the “Your Welcome” finisher for the win.
Winner and New #1 Contender: Sandow in 3:50
-Commercial Break-
Natalya and The Bella Twins beat A.J. Lee, Tamina, and Summer Rae The match ends when Natalya rolls up AJ Lee off the distraction in 4:25
Wade Barrett is now bad news Barrett and he is at a podium. He says that the bad news is stuck in an arena full of hillbillies and overweight people. Thank You!Randy Orton and Brad Maddox is in the back talking, Orton says that he needs him to tell Triple H to recognize him as the greatest of all time. He demands him to tell him and that he is bigger than the WWE itself.
Daniel Bryan Vs. Eric Rowan
Rowan with clubbing shots then a shoulder tackle. Rowan with head butts but Bryan shoots off the ropes with right hands then kicks. Bryan with a sleeper hold but Rowan fights out of it. Rowan runs into a kick then a knee to the arm of Rowan followed by several shots by Bryan. He continues the kicks then goes for the Yes Lock! But rowan fights out. Rowan with a big suplex but when he goes for the 2nd attempt, Bryan fights out and connects with kicks. He goes for the Yes Lock! But rowan gets to the ropes. Rowan with a big right hand, Rowan sends him out of the ring. Bryan rolls back in the ring where he hits a suicide dive but caught and driven into the barricade.
-Commercial Break-
Rowan is still in control and dominates the match until Bryan makes his comeback and his two drop kicks I n the corner. When he goes for the third one he is caught with an elbow. Rowan locks in a headlock but Bryan fights out. Rowan keeps control until, Bryan sends Rowan out of the ring then hits a dive to the outside. Bryan goes to the top rope and hits a drop kick. Bryan with a series of kicks but misses the head kick. Bryan goes to the top rope but a big boot by Rowan. He lifts him up but Bryan rolls him up for the win.
Winner: Bryan in 13:41
After the match, Bray comes on the screen and tells them to stand down. He says there not going to hurt him unless he tells them too. Bray says that he has done some really bad things to a lot of good people. He says that he is wrong about Bryan and asks him how long Bryan will live with this secret. He understands him and that together they can bring down the machine.
-Commercial Break-
Kane talks with Daniel Bryan and says that he will take on all three members of the Wyatt’s at TLC. God help us!
Xavier Woods and R Truth Vs. Tons Of Funk
Clay and Woods starts things off with Clay dominating the match with suplex after suplex. Off the tag Tensi with a shoulder tackle but Woods fights back with right hands. Truth off the tag where they exchange right hands. Truth shoots off the ropes but Tensi hits a shoulder tackle. TOF stays in control until Truth hits a heel kick. Woods get the hot tag, Woods clears house with a drop kick. Woods honor roll for 2, Woods turns around and gets head-butted. Clay hits the big T-Bone suplex. Clay with a big splash in the corner then comes off the top rope but misses a splash. Woods rolls him up for the win.
Winners: Woods and Truth in 4:05
A WWE APP poll is shown again.
-Commercial Break-
Before the match Del Rio does a promo about how Cara is a below him and he is going to send him to the other side of the border.
Sin Cara Vs. Alberto Del Rio
The lights turned down so they just gave away the match, Del Rio with kicks in the corner. He throws Cara out to the apron where Cara takes him down with an arm drag. Cara with another one followed by it. Cara sends him to the outside where he hits a moonsult. Total botched it but here we go back in the ring. Del Rio with a super kick while Cara is getting back in the ring. He sends Cara into the barricade then back into the ring for a near fall. Del Rio with a headlock, Cara fights out briefly but not enough. Del Rio controls the action until Cara shoots off the ropes and hits a head take over. Cara with a spring board shoulder tackle then cross body off the ropes for 2. Cara is caught and Del Rio hits the German suplex followed by the arm bar but blocked. Cara hits an elbow then Del Rio misses the head kick. Cara with a senton dive for the win. Called it!
Winner: Sin Cara in 4:30
-Commercial Break-
John Cena does an interview backstage about his TLC PPV match.
All three members do a backstage promo about their match with Bryan.
6 Man Tag Match: Rhode Brothers & Big Show Vs. The Shield
Show and Ambrose start things off, Show with an elbow drop then a slap in the corner. Show with a head butt then another slap in the corner. Rollins is tagged in, he tries to kick down the giant but Show throws him around. Show with a suplex followed by an elbow drop for 2. Show pushes Rollins in the corner and now Reigns is in. They stare off then Show with a kick followed by sending him into the corner for the slap but Reigns tries to slap his way out of the corner but not enough until he eye pokes him. Ambrose is in and comes off the top rope but Show throws him off the top. Rollins screams pull on his beard! Goldust in off the tag and Cody trade tag moves. Ambrose tags in Rollins off an eye poke but Cody suplex him face first for 2. More tag work by the Brothers. Cody takes out The Shield then hits a big moonsult off the top for 2. He goes for cross Rhodes but blocked and knocks him down.
-Commercial Break-
The Shield stays in control until Rollins misses a splash in the corner. Cody hits a missile drop kick to take out Ambrose. Reigns is tagged in but eats a kick. Big Show is tagged in and clears the ring. Show with a back body drop then a big splash followed by wait, Ambrose lifts the rope down and Show goes to the floor. Show rolls in the ring and Rollins hits the knee to the jaw off the top rope. Big Show is dazed and several kicks to the face. They continue the beat down until Show fights out with the choke slam. Goldust gets the tag and clears house. He hits a head take over off the top rope then a spine buster for 2. Ambrose breaks it up and drop kicks Cody off the apron. While distracted they attacked Goldust from behind. Show takes out Ambrose then Goldust with a power slam on Rollins. Reigns hits a huge spear on Big Show on the floor. Cody takes out Reigns with a big dive. Goldust on the top but Ambrose meets him, Goldust with a suplex off the top onto Rollins but Rollins rolls out and when they land, Rollins rolls Goldust up.
Great finish and Winners: The Shield in 20:00
-Commercial Break-
CM Punk does a promo backstage and says that he is over joyed about his TLC PPV match. He sings but says he is going down but the question is, how many of The Shield is he taking down?
Bad New Barrett is back and says Thanksgiving caused us to be constipated. Nice
Ryback and Curtis Axe Vs. The Miz and Kofi Kingston
Miz and Axel start things off, Miz with a clothesline, Kingston off the tag with a kick to the chest. They keep control until the former “Heyman Guys” takes over. Ryback with a big jack hammer suplex then locks in a side lock on Miz, They stay in control until Miz fights out of a bear hug. Kingston with a tag and a spring board drop kick. Ryback accidentally takes out Miz, Kingston with a cross body for 2. Kingston who is on the apron taking out Axel is clotheslines by Ryback. He follows it with the “Shell Shock” for the win.
Winners: Ex “Heyman Guys” in 5:48
After the match Miz slaps Kingston then walks away.
-Commercial Break-
Mark Henry Vs. Fandango
More Jokes to start this off, Fandango starts to dance but Henry picks him up and suplex him. Someone is on diet because Henry is mad… my own jokes. Henry throws him into the corner, then again but he goes for the splash and moves. Fandango with right hands, he takes out his knee then a DDT for 2. Boots to the face then goes to the top rope where Henry catches him but falls backwards for 2. Henry with a clothesline then ends it with WSS for the win.
Winner: Henry in 3:25
They show a replay of Titus O’Neal puking on Smackdown.
-Commercial Break-
Prime Time Players Vs. Real Americans
PTP takes control early on but O’Neal runs into a big boot and Real Americans take control. Quick tags in and out, Swagger with a big clothesline on the outside but back in the ring where RA stay in control, A double stomp by Cesaro then a suplex. Double elbow by them, Cesaro goes for the giant swing and there playing up that O’Neal is still sick from over eating on Friday. O’Neal acts like he is going to get sick but tags in Young who clears house. DY with a belly to belly then a big clothesline in the corner for 2. Young gets distracted by Swagger who is caught with a suplex. When he comes off the top rope Cesaro catches him with an uppercut.
Winners: Real Americans in 7:00
Contract Signing Time! Both participants come to the ring; Triple H lists all the WWE and World Heavyweight champions in history. Now it’s a match that they have planned for a long time but they had to know that both champions could carry on as the face of the WWE. Time is now; Orton says that no matter how great the other champions are, he is better than all of them. He says that he will walk out with both titles. Cena introduces himself, Orton says they have history. Cena starts his jokes, he says that Orton turned into Triple H nightmare and never leaved up to his potential. Cena says that Orton is cocky and lazy; He says that Cena took his place and is the face of the WWE for his hard work. Cena says that he is just him and is pressing his buttons. He stares him down and challenges him if he wants to fight. They start brawling, Cena uses a ladder on Orton but Orton sends him head first into the ring post. Orton clearing the commentary booth but walks into a ladder shot. Cena with a chair shot then into the steel steps. They go back and forth but Cena hits the AA on Orton through the table. Cena stands over him this time to end the show