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We get highlights from Last night's Night Of champions PPV & the New WWE Champion Daniel Bryan comes to the ring. He says Yes over & over but HHH comes out to address the fast count from the Main Event. He brings out Scott Armstrong out to discuss it, HHH shows the footage of him counting the three & Scott doesn't know how that just happen. He made a mistake as HHH nick picks it. Scott says they got us & HHH catches him saying it. HHH says he embarrass the WWE & acts like he did it on purpose. HHH says he is going to hold the title for Bryan nor Orton holding the title either. No WWE champion, He says hand over the title to him right now. Orton comes down to the ring & HHH calms him down, HHH says give the title over but Bryan doesn't so Orton RKO's him & HHH takes the title to end the segment.
Backstage Orton tries to get the WWE Title back from HHH but Stephanie comes & breaks it up, She tells Orton to be the Viper again.
Dolp Ziggler Vs. Dean Ambros
Ziggie with right hands then cross body to take him over the top rope. Ziggie sends him back in the ring then locks in the sleeper hold but Ambrose gets out of it with one of his own but Ziggie sits down & follows it up with right hands. Ziggie sends him into the corner but reverse & sends Ziggie to the outside. Back from break with Ambrose in control as he works the legs of Dolp. Ziggie fights back with right hands, He is sent to the apron & sends him head first into the turn buckle. They fight on the top rope & he double arm suplex off the top for a count of 2. Ambrose stays in control until Ziggie catches him with a big DDT. Ziggie with a drop kick then a splash in the corner & also lands some right hands. A big clothesline followed by several elbows. Ziggie gets caught & Ambrose lands a spine buster for a count of 2. Ambrose goes for a neck breaker but Ziggie rolls him up for 2. He goes for the ten punches but is pulled down. Ambrose mocks Ziggie but Dolp reverse it with the Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Ziggler
They for some reason announce that Ambrose is still champion.
Backstage Big Show & Brad Maddox wait on HHH, Stephanie, Back from break with with them saying Big Show will face Roman Reigns tonight. Stephanie says that i hope it hurt him with no being paid Friday. He is to stay in the her locker room.
Fandango Vs. R Truth
Truth gets things going early on with right hands then sends Fandango to the outside. Truth sends him back in the ring where Fandango attacks him. He sends him into the other corner hard for a count of 2. Fandango does it again, Truth fights out of a headlock then nails a heel kick. Truth with a clothesline then a kick. Truth lands a suplex for a count of 2. Truth goes for the Scissors kick but blocked then he sends Truth into the corner but Fandango lands a kick & hits a leg drop off the top rope for the win.
Winner: Fandango
Dusty Rhodes comes out & he talks about the love of your children. He talks about Cody losing his job, he calls out Stephanie & she comes to the ring. She says that Cody's firing was weighing on them & she gives him card for Bath & Beyond. She explains that she is the daughter of a genius, so getting to the chase & getting him his job back. Either he can choose either Cody or Goldust to have a job. He says he won't make that decision & she cuts him, She downgrades Goldust & says Cody is younger. He goes off on their family but She keeps cutting him off & tells him to make a choice but he tells her to go to Hell. The Shield comes through the crowd & down to the ring but before they attack she calls out the Big Show to help. She says he can either be beat down by the shield or KO by Big Show. She tells him to KO Dusty & he tries to defend Dusty against the shield after Stephanie tells them too. Show KO Dusty & he drops.
Naomi, Cameron, and Brie Bella beat Layla, Alicia Fox, and Aksana
Rob Van Damn Vs. Damien Sandow
Sandow starts things off with kicks then blocks a monkey flip for a count of 2. Several right hands by Sandow, He puts some shoulders in the corner but RVD fights back with right hands but walks into a knee & Sandow follows it up with a neck breaker for a count of 2. Sandow with a headlock & RVD fights out of it, RVD is sent in the corner but blocks a elbow & lands a cross body. Clotheslines then a kick by RVD followed by Rolling thunder but Sandow puts his knee's up. RVD lands a heel kick out of nowhere then goes up top & next up with a spring board back kick. He finishes things off with the Frog Splash for the win.
Winner: RVD
HHH & Scott Armstrong have a backstage segment about him firing Scott.
Randy Orton Vs. The Miz
before the match started the Miz was talking to his parents but Orton attacked him & sent him into the steel steps to take us to break. Back from break with Orton in control until Miz throws him out of the ring. He sends him into the Barricade several times but Orton sends Miz head first into the ring post. The referee calls the match a no contest i supposes & Orton continues the beat down. Orton takes him over to his parents are but Miz fights back & clotheslines him over the barricade. Orton lands several right hands then the DDT off the barricade. Orton puts a chair on the head of the Miz & drops an knee.
Paul Heyman comes out with Ryback & Heyman talks about The match with Punk last night. Ryback says he won't every have to worry about Punk hurting him again.
#1 One Contender 3 Tag Team Match: Tons Of Funk Vs. The Usos Vs. The Real Americans
Everyone got to into the pool in the match but the first elimination was When Sweet T landed a Spine buster on a Usos & Cesaro went in & rolled up Sweet. Its the Real Americans & Uso's Left leading into the the break. Back from break with The Real Americans in control with the crowd chanting for the announcers. Their in control until Cesaro had him in a headlock but he fights out. He goes for the hot tag but rolls him up but kicks out of it. He gets to his partner & he comes in off the clothesline. A big Samoa Drop then a running butt to the face in the corner. Cesaro & Swagger are outside & the Samoans go over the top rope. Back in the ring with Swagger reverse a super kick & locks in a ankle lock but He gets out of it & Swagger walks into a super kick. He goes up top but Cesaro distracts him but Jey gets a blind tag & hits a splash for the win.
Winners: The Uso's
Daniel Bryan Vs. Roman Reigns
Bryan kicks things off with several kicks then working the leg of Reigns. Bryan with more kicks but Reigns backs him in the corner & head butts him. DB fights back with leg kicks & a leg take down. DB locks in a leg submission & lands some forearm shots for a count of 2. DB with more kicks to the leg then is sent hard into the corner. Reigns with a clubbing blow to the back. Reigns takes control of this one until Bryan fights back & continues to work the leg of the big man. Reigns with a hip toss for a count of 2, followed by a suplex. Reigns takes control until Reigns missed a spear in the corner & DB kicks him down followed by a drop kick off the top rope. DB goes for a suicide dive to the outside but Reigns catches him & sends him spine first into the post. Back from break with DB fighting out of a arm submission. Reigns beats him down in the corner, DB fights off Reigns & goes for a head butt off the top rope but misses & Reigns cover him for count of 2. Back & Forth but DB goes for a cross body but caught & Reigns slams him down for a count of 2. Reigns locks in a head lock but DB fights out but when sent into the corner the energizer bunny starts running wild. DB with kicks to the chest but misses the head kick & Reigns lands a Samoa drop for a count of 2. Reigns motions for the end but DB fights out of a powerbomb with a roll up for a count of 2. DB with a head kick for a count of 2. Rollins pulls Reigns out of the ring & eats a drop kick. Back in the ring where he lands a drop kick in the corner but when DB takes out Ambrose he runs into a clothesline. Out of nowhere DB locks in the Yes Lock Orton comes in & breaks it up. He locks one in on Orton but The Shield attack Bryan. Orton was about to to punt Bryan but some of the locker room come out to make the save. They take care of the Shield, Bryan on the shoulders of the locker room as they celebrate to end Raw.
Thanks for watching along, What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos
Backstage Orton tries to get the WWE Title back from HHH but Stephanie comes & breaks it up, She tells Orton to be the Viper again.
Dolp Ziggler Vs. Dean Ambros
Ziggie with right hands then cross body to take him over the top rope. Ziggie sends him back in the ring then locks in the sleeper hold but Ambrose gets out of it with one of his own but Ziggie sits down & follows it up with right hands. Ziggie sends him into the corner but reverse & sends Ziggie to the outside. Back from break with Ambrose in control as he works the legs of Dolp. Ziggie fights back with right hands, He is sent to the apron & sends him head first into the turn buckle. They fight on the top rope & he double arm suplex off the top for a count of 2. Ambrose stays in control until Ziggie catches him with a big DDT. Ziggie with a drop kick then a splash in the corner & also lands some right hands. A big clothesline followed by several elbows. Ziggie gets caught & Ambrose lands a spine buster for a count of 2. Ambrose goes for a neck breaker but Ziggie rolls him up for 2. He goes for the ten punches but is pulled down. Ambrose mocks Ziggie but Dolp reverse it with the Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Ziggler
They for some reason announce that Ambrose is still champion.
Backstage Big Show & Brad Maddox wait on HHH, Stephanie, Back from break with with them saying Big Show will face Roman Reigns tonight. Stephanie says that i hope it hurt him with no being paid Friday. He is to stay in the her locker room.
Fandango Vs. R Truth
Truth gets things going early on with right hands then sends Fandango to the outside. Truth sends him back in the ring where Fandango attacks him. He sends him into the other corner hard for a count of 2. Fandango does it again, Truth fights out of a headlock then nails a heel kick. Truth with a clothesline then a kick. Truth lands a suplex for a count of 2. Truth goes for the Scissors kick but blocked then he sends Truth into the corner but Fandango lands a kick & hits a leg drop off the top rope for the win.
Winner: Fandango
Dusty Rhodes comes out & he talks about the love of your children. He talks about Cody losing his job, he calls out Stephanie & she comes to the ring. She says that Cody's firing was weighing on them & she gives him card for Bath & Beyond. She explains that she is the daughter of a genius, so getting to the chase & getting him his job back. Either he can choose either Cody or Goldust to have a job. He says he won't make that decision & she cuts him, She downgrades Goldust & says Cody is younger. He goes off on their family but She keeps cutting him off & tells him to make a choice but he tells her to go to Hell. The Shield comes through the crowd & down to the ring but before they attack she calls out the Big Show to help. She says he can either be beat down by the shield or KO by Big Show. She tells him to KO Dusty & he tries to defend Dusty against the shield after Stephanie tells them too. Show KO Dusty & he drops.
Naomi, Cameron, and Brie Bella beat Layla, Alicia Fox, and Aksana
Rob Van Damn Vs. Damien Sandow
Sandow starts things off with kicks then blocks a monkey flip for a count of 2. Several right hands by Sandow, He puts some shoulders in the corner but RVD fights back with right hands but walks into a knee & Sandow follows it up with a neck breaker for a count of 2. Sandow with a headlock & RVD fights out of it, RVD is sent in the corner but blocks a elbow & lands a cross body. Clotheslines then a kick by RVD followed by Rolling thunder but Sandow puts his knee's up. RVD lands a heel kick out of nowhere then goes up top & next up with a spring board back kick. He finishes things off with the Frog Splash for the win.
Winner: RVD
HHH & Scott Armstrong have a backstage segment about him firing Scott.
Randy Orton Vs. The Miz
before the match started the Miz was talking to his parents but Orton attacked him & sent him into the steel steps to take us to break. Back from break with Orton in control until Miz throws him out of the ring. He sends him into the Barricade several times but Orton sends Miz head first into the ring post. The referee calls the match a no contest i supposes & Orton continues the beat down. Orton takes him over to his parents are but Miz fights back & clotheslines him over the barricade. Orton lands several right hands then the DDT off the barricade. Orton puts a chair on the head of the Miz & drops an knee.
Paul Heyman comes out with Ryback & Heyman talks about The match with Punk last night. Ryback says he won't every have to worry about Punk hurting him again.
#1 One Contender 3 Tag Team Match: Tons Of Funk Vs. The Usos Vs. The Real Americans
Everyone got to into the pool in the match but the first elimination was When Sweet T landed a Spine buster on a Usos & Cesaro went in & rolled up Sweet. Its the Real Americans & Uso's Left leading into the the break. Back from break with The Real Americans in control with the crowd chanting for the announcers. Their in control until Cesaro had him in a headlock but he fights out. He goes for the hot tag but rolls him up but kicks out of it. He gets to his partner & he comes in off the clothesline. A big Samoa Drop then a running butt to the face in the corner. Cesaro & Swagger are outside & the Samoans go over the top rope. Back in the ring with Swagger reverse a super kick & locks in a ankle lock but He gets out of it & Swagger walks into a super kick. He goes up top but Cesaro distracts him but Jey gets a blind tag & hits a splash for the win.
Winners: The Uso's
Daniel Bryan Vs. Roman Reigns
Bryan kicks things off with several kicks then working the leg of Reigns. Bryan with more kicks but Reigns backs him in the corner & head butts him. DB fights back with leg kicks & a leg take down. DB locks in a leg submission & lands some forearm shots for a count of 2. DB with more kicks to the leg then is sent hard into the corner. Reigns with a clubbing blow to the back. Reigns takes control of this one until Bryan fights back & continues to work the leg of the big man. Reigns with a hip toss for a count of 2, followed by a suplex. Reigns takes control until Reigns missed a spear in the corner & DB kicks him down followed by a drop kick off the top rope. DB goes for a suicide dive to the outside but Reigns catches him & sends him spine first into the post. Back from break with DB fighting out of a arm submission. Reigns beats him down in the corner, DB fights off Reigns & goes for a head butt off the top rope but misses & Reigns cover him for count of 2. Back & Forth but DB goes for a cross body but caught & Reigns slams him down for a count of 2. Reigns locks in a head lock but DB fights out but when sent into the corner the energizer bunny starts running wild. DB with kicks to the chest but misses the head kick & Reigns lands a Samoa drop for a count of 2. Reigns motions for the end but DB fights out of a powerbomb with a roll up for a count of 2. DB with a head kick for a count of 2. Rollins pulls Reigns out of the ring & eats a drop kick. Back in the ring where he lands a drop kick in the corner but when DB takes out Ambrose he runs into a clothesline. Out of nowhere DB locks in the Yes Lock Orton comes in & breaks it up. He locks one in on Orton but The Shield attack Bryan. Orton was about to to punt Bryan but some of the locker room come out to make the save. They take care of the Shield, Bryan on the shoulders of the locker room as they celebrate to end Raw.
Thanks for watching along, What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos