I attended my second WWE event yesterday, and believe I got my moneys worth. It was a hot show from a live crowd perspective, especially our little section high up on the third tier. I haven’t went back and watched the PPV yet, but I am hoping we got a nice “Sexual Chocolate” chant going during the Henry match. Anyway, it was a great show, well worth the $55 spent for it.
Cody Rhodes vs. The Miz: A throwaway match. Most of the action even from a distance was cookie cutter and pretty sloppy at times. I hoped to at least see Damien Sandow, but, no luck. I hope they push Cody past this and onto better. 2/5
Chris Jericho vs. Fandangoo: A great match. Jericho got the third biggest pop of the night. People tried starting up Fandango’s song, but it just wouldn’t take. Good match with enough high flying to make it exciting, but could have used a nice insert of Summer Rae interference to round it off. 4/5
Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose: A good match with a good amount of action. Ambrose was waaaaay over with the crowd, and had the majority of the males on their feet at the end. Glad to see the belt transfer. 4/5
Mark Henry vs. Sheamus: The match was good, but you could tell from the first two minutes in something was wrong. I didn’t see the point of injury, but that match slowed to an absolute crawl. I think it had more potential than they were able to do it justice, but entertaining none the less. Sheamus got the fourth loudest pop of the night. 3/5
Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger: There was a Sooners chant in mysection, but I doubt it went further. The match was good, good action from both but the false ending threw the crowd. They absolutely popped when it was reversed and the match continued. I was personally pulling for Swagger, but it was good nonetheless. The promo by Zeb Colter was well done as well, had parts of the crowd angry or cheering. 4/5
Team “Friendship” vs. The Shield: fast and chaotic, with the correct ending. I thought we were gonna see a nice torture rack revived, but the combo was nice too to end it. Bryan was way over as well, lots of Yes chants. Glad to see the belt move and get some new blood and stories going. 4/5
Randy Orton vs. Big Show: The crowd absolutely ate up Orton. Loudest pop of the night and he gave us a great showing. Why cant he be that motivated every week? It was a nice bit of extreme rules usage as well, but the kendo sticks were getting old real fast. Lets hope they move Orton onward and get a good story behind him soon. 5/5
John Cena vs. Ryback: The best match of the night, by far, except Ryback can’t throw a person over his shoulders correctly. That firsttable shot was a visible botched move, and the crowd noticed. The rest of match was great though, but they pissed everyone off by having the match end in a no contest. The crowd was mad at that point, but the ending was perfect to move along their story. Well played, WWE. Cena had the second loudest pop and toward the end even the anti Cena folks were cheering their effort. 5/5
Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H: A good match that was made better with a vulnerable Lesnar. They should have had a buffer here between Cena and this because the crowd was almost cathartic at the beginning. Also, the lack of Triple H’s ring entrance was really noticeable and was probably the biggest contributor to the dead crowd, but we warmed up quick. A good match with the right ending. Brutal showing. 4/5
All in all, a great pay-per-view. If it weren’t for the fact I was at Raw 1000, it would have been my favorite so far. Let’s hope WWE does a good job Monday making things move forward.
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