Dark Match
1. Alicia Fox beat Rosa Mendes. Boring. Alicia beat the newly blonde Rosa.
WWE Main Event Taping
Josh Matthews and Alex Riley came out for commentary.
1. 3MB defeated Tons of Funk (w/Cameron and Naomi) in a handicap match.
2. Tamina Snuka defeated Aksana. A.J. Lee was not with Tamina, who dominated the match.
3. Big E Langston defeated Zack Ryder. It wasn't the expected squash match, as Ryder scored a few near falls before Langston put him away with his new finisher. There was a small Ryder chant during the match.
1. Alicia Fox beat Rosa Mendes. Boring. Alicia beat the newly blonde Rosa.
WWE Main Event Taping
Josh Matthews and Alex Riley came out for commentary.
1. 3MB defeated Tons of Funk (w/Cameron and Naomi) in a handicap match.
2. Tamina Snuka defeated Aksana. A.J. Lee was not with Tamina, who dominated the match.
3. Big E Langston defeated Zack Ryder. It wasn't the expected squash match, as Ryder scored a few near falls before Langston put him away with his new finisher. There was a small Ryder chant during the match.